So the new EZX is called: (also: Andy Sneap presets etc)

The first and last clips are on the Sneap Presets page and the middle two are from metalheads. Hoping there's a new SDX, but idk, don't you think they'd demo it on the video?
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Now I'm watching the video and listening the demo stuff.. I was wondering his studio too.. Cool :Smokin:
Hahah, I'm watching the video right now and it's hilarious seeing Andy try to verbalize his honest feelings without insulting the software. I get the impression that the verdict is:

-If you can swing it, record a real drummer.
-If you don't have the time/budget this stuff is pretty good.... but not perfect.
-Don't use the on-board processing.

Nice reference to the preset guys on the forum too :lol:
haha I didn't realize that the trailer was for all the products, so I thought "fuck, they got the testament one cool with metalheads..especially the snare" and now to see that Andy had his hands on it is quite cool :lol:
Hahah, I'm watching the video right now and it's hilarious seeing Andy try to verbalize his honest feelings without insulting the software. I get the impression that the verdict is:

-If you can swing it, record a real drummer.
-If you don't have the time/budget this stuff is pretty good.... but not perfect.
-Don't use the on-board processing.

Nice reference to the preset guys on the forum too :lol:

Agree, but two things really stood out: "annoyingly close actually" and especially "laptop-metal".

Loved that! Great video. ;)

"so you're into music? - Yeah, i play Laptop Metal." :D
I think that Andy really proves a point here with his presets; if you know what you're doing, you get a good result. The demo songs sound very Andy Sneap, and IMO sounds just as natural as anything else. Of course you can't have plugs within a VST instrument that blows all other dedicated plugs out of the water, since the CPU would go "bye-bye" and all kids on all forums would go apeshit = bad for business. The presets are simply a starting point and a great way to fire it up when you have an idea that needs to be recorded. And I think they sound really good, natural and live. Simple as that. Well done Andy!

I'm getting it. :)
The presets are simply a starting point and a great way to fire it up when you have an idea that needs to be recorded. And I think they sound really good, natural and live. Simple as that. Well done Andy!

I'm getting it. :)

Bought it, downloaded it, installed it and....

The presets are nowhere to be found. Thanks toontrack, a simple "this is where they install" would help me out a lot right now FUCKERS.

And yes, I know these are for TMF. I have TMF, I have it loaded. Shit still isn't there.

Oh and for some fucked reason I can't get superior to update to 2.2.2. It still shows 2.2.1 on my computer even after the update was ran.