So the show is officially less than 4 weeks away......


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Will there be an official announcement as to the exact running order of the bands?

Yes, I know there is one on the official site.

I have been to various sites though like Songkick, etc, where the date the band lists they are playing does NOT agree to what's on the site.

Might be good to make an official lineup announcement.

And yes, that SHOULD include trying to get something out on Metal Underground, Blabbermouth, BWBK, etc.

Bury the hatches folks! It's about the festival now!!!!!!!!
Seriously. This would be an ideal time for a PR campaign.


Time for promo is now or never.
Regardless of what some might think, there are thousands who don't know about this fest and getting the word out on the major metal news wires would indeed help!

Not trying to be a jerk here, but trying to be constructive.

Bob - Can you get a confirm for us as to the "official" running order?
Does no one check the website ever???? The running order of bands has been set for MONTHS, and there is no set times listed and Odin said he would not be publishing those. Here is the link to the website which no one looks at apparently with who plays what day and the order. You can pretty much assume how long a set will be if the show starts at 6 and what time Mojoe's closes
we no one goes to web sites anymore....forums and social media is where it is at. Plus the main page seems to never get an update....just saying.

Posting set times would be a good move since I do know that some people have to come late and are scared of missing bands they want to posting set times they can know when the bands are playing instead of just blowing off the night thinking they may miss them.
OK, I hate to be a jerk.
I know the set order is posted.
I am simply trying to generate discussion about the fest, as its less than 2 weeks away and very little talk.,
I got my plans finalized earlier this week...vacation time from work approved, flights booked, hotel room arrangement squared away....all that's left is the banging of the head and the throwing of the horns.
Damn, too fucking excited for this show. Almost all the bands are great (not a fan of Voz, but I shouldn't judge based on one song) and I'm really getting into Pharaoh and Brocas Helm more so than I used to. Virgin Steele is still going to be the highlight though. Amazing band.
Agreed! And I think its time to start directing the conversations back to the bands and the music as a way to bring in those last remaining fence sitters. So many great bands here folks. Enough talking about pre show, traffic, hotels, NATO, etc, etc,....
Let's talk about what matters!!! The music!!!