Yeah, Jason's got it. I was looking only at the "experience" of waiting for an album's release date vs. getting it earlier. Since I'm not going to be buying a physical version anyway, waiting for the release date would be silly (well, unless I'm concerned about the RIAA knocking down my door). But yes, the "not wasting my money on crap" part of it is definitely an important advantage.
I probably wouldn't be ok with 128kbps mp3s, but iTunes doesn't sell those. They have 128kbps AACs, which is a fair bit better than mp3 at the same bitrate. Also, they are now selling more stuff in 256kbps AAC format. I'm perfectly fine with 128kbps AAC. Maybe if I did an extensive study, I'd find out that I *can* detect a difference between 128kbps and 192kbps. But c'mon, we're listening to fucking metal here. The encoding format is hardly the limiting factor in the sound quality. It's not like I get pissed off if Primordial's soundstage only feels like it's 10 feet deep instead of 12, or if I can't sense the aged patina of Amon Amarth's guitars through the blasting wall of distortion and drunken roaring.
I probably wouldn't be ok with 128kbps mp3s, but iTunes doesn't sell those. They have 128kbps AACs, which is a fair bit better than mp3 at the same bitrate. Also, they are now selling more stuff in 256kbps AAC format. I'm perfectly fine with 128kbps AAC. Maybe if I did an extensive study, I'd find out that I *can* detect a difference between 128kbps and 192kbps. But c'mon, we're listening to fucking metal here. The encoding format is hardly the limiting factor in the sound quality. It's not like I get pissed off if Primordial's soundstage only feels like it's 10 feet deep instead of 12, or if I can't sense the aged patina of Amon Amarth's guitars through the blasting wall of distortion and drunken roaring.