So Today is the fifth anniversary of Chuck's passing

Just to add my 2c, here's how I photographed him on Oct. 3, 1993 in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Come to think of it I may have posted it a year ago as well, but what the heck... Chuck, you're sorely missed in today's metal world!

Holy shit, how did you get so close?
You're so lucky, many Death fans never had the chance to really see them live. All we got are a couple of official DVDs and some bootlegs.
a dumb question i know, but how come there are no "stop posting stupid Death threads!" comments like there are/were with Dimebag?

jussssssst wonderin
Holy shit, how did you get so close?
You're so lucky, many Death fans never had the chance to really see them live. All we got are a couple of official DVDs and some bootlegs.

Yeah, I know I'm pretty lucky in that sense. Saw them live 6 times - unfortunately not with my favorite line-up (Human), but I shouldn't complain. I probably mentioned this somewhere over here too, at some point, but I got so close because I flew to Amsterdam from Seattle, just to see them twice that weekend (Paradiso in Amsterdam and Noorderligt in Tilburg). I let Chuck know and he gave me a photo-pass for the show, and we met up a number of times afterwards. He was a very friendly and down-to-earth guy, not to mention extremely talented, of course...
Chuck was a victim of the healthcare and insurance system of the great country of USA

iirc, Chuck died of pnuemonia contracted as a result of the immune supressing side effects of his chemo. True, the healthcare industry did deny him an operation based on lack of funds, but we don't really know if that would have ultimately prolonged his life.

Everyone goes eventually, and while it is sad that he is no longer making music, look at what he left us and be happy.
We may not know, but at the same time, maybe it would have. Thats the sad part of the mystery. He should have asked Canada for help.
Yeah, I know I'm pretty lucky in that sense. Saw them live 6 times - unfortunately not with my favorite line-up (Human), but I shouldn't complain. I probably mentioned this somewhere over here too, at some point, but I got so close because I flew to Amsterdam from Seattle, just to see them twice that weekend (Paradiso in Amsterdam and Noorderligt in Tilburg). I let Chuck know and he gave me a photo-pass for the show, and we met up a number of times afterwards. He was a very friendly and down-to-earth guy, not to mention extremely talented, of course...
That was very cool of him. Everyone always says that he was very friendly and down to Earth when they met him. I've even seen people say that he used to give them free stuff if he had some around, like shirts, tapes, CDs.
Human was an awesome lineup, that's for sure. My favorite lineup was ITP, but obviously Andy was only a session member for the recording.

From what I understand, he went on and off treatment because of lack of funds, Then he went on an experimental treatment. If only he had insurance. As someone already said, he would have had to wait around forever if he was in Europe, or someplace with a social healthcare system.
Unfortunately, I see it as something that should have been able to be taken care of but there really wasn't a way for him to. He had no way of getting real medical insurance. It's just way too expensive. I don't know who qualifies for government healthcare. Families and minors usually are, but I don't know about adults who are single (I don't remember seeing anywhere that Chuck was married, at least in the late 90's)