so tomorrow i leave...

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
...for dallas! i've got something wrong in my left thigh, its swollen in the back, causing a lot of pain if i don't sit up straight. and there's a growth on the side of my thigh. i already went back home once in april(after having it for 3 months) to go to the doctor but they sent me away with celebrex telling me i had a pulled ligament and to take it easy. so i did. and that was 5 months ago and its still the same, except i have a lot of tingling going down my whole leg and into my foot now. and the place on the side of my thigh, it just feels really hard and can get pretty sore. yeah so i'm going back again and getting at least some damn x-rays done :cry:

my primary care doctor was concerned it could be hodgkin's disease the first time i went, but then he sent me to a general surgeon and he's the one who made the diagnosis for the ligament. but i dun think so....and i hope its not cancer...

it all started from a work related back injury though, well at least i think so. i didn't start noticing anything wrong with my leg til i hurt my me luck! :Spin:

if i dun post while i'm gone its because theres no internet at my house and i may or may not be able to make it to the library.
Hey do me a favor and get my left knee fixed while you're there? Thanks.

Good luck, hope things work out okay. :)
the journey was ok. very very tiring. and when my parents picked me up they took me home to a brand new house i knew nothing about. i was expecting just to go home to the usual crappy little house with caved in ceilings and other nasticities. but...woooo. they swapped the old property with a builder for a new house in another part of town. it has a REALLY big backyard though. not common for a house such as its type. but yeah...i'm pretty close to a library, obviously. i haven't gone to the doctor yet. my mom can't take me til she gets her jury duty over with on the 29th. so a few more days til i know anything. i'm still not adjusted to all this AT ALL. being in a new house feels so weird and uncomfortable hahaha, but now if i'm here for a long time, derick can come visit me and not have to worry about staying in a nartsy narsty house. yep...*out of breath*
well they had a property deal going on for over a month, but my mom wouldn't tell me anything about it. i didn't expect a new house though!! they have been living there for a little over a week now. there's not much furniture as the furniture from the old house has to be cleaned and moved. i have a pretty comfy foldaway bed in my laundry room that i stay in :lol:
right now its pretty boring there. no internet, no devilsticks to juggle :(, no poopypants derick :cry: :cry:
i go to the doctor in a couple days, then things should start happening, like my poopypants coming to visit me in my last dying days :loco: