So we need one of these to get the party going...


Apr 16, 2007
Title: The Universal Experiment

Introduction: So we need a new model of the universe to support new controversial data. At least, to the best of my knowledge. So I've come up with this experiment to try and gather input and theories based off of the existing or supplementary data. I recommend reading the articles linked below before continuing, unless you feel lucky.

But then you'd have to be a punk :p

Radiation: Radiation is a form of energy transfer. Depending on the content of the wavelength at hand the energy that is actually being transferred moves through a 3 dimensional environment to reflect and interact with the environment. For example, a wavelength of light will travel across open space from the sun to reflect off of and heat the earth's surface, as well as any physical existence in it's path.

Light radiation in particular harbors a funny secret, in that it operates with a wave-particle duality to it. Which means light is actually mass floating through space and operating as energy would. While the science of it was unknown to many, it can and should be said that any energy that comes from another source is purely because light has existed first. You could say that nothing technically exists without light or some form of energy interacting with it. It exists in data form but without light it doesn't exist in 3D space.

The reason for this is because of the nature of existence, so let's continue into planar holograms part of this project.

Planar Holograms: Planar holograms can be best described in the image listed below. But to basically continue off of what it describes, essentially you could look at existence as tiny little Planck length pixels in space. If you were to measure a group of these pixels in the shape of a rectangle, you can derive a plane of existence because life is made up of a finite amount of these layers. The layers in question are in fact an illusion, but for the sake of referencing data on the surface of these 1 dimensional objects we can measure a plane of existence for many Planck length objects to exist upon, given the size of our universe.

What this all generally implies is that we do in fact live and operate in a 3 dimensional existence, but the very essence of what we are is data on those planar scopes of reality. We do not move in time, but our data does. The energy from our material sun is also material, and can traverse over empty space and reflect off any given Planck length object to create a 3 dimensional hologram of it, existing in symmetry with the directional energy from the sun, or any given light source.

Symmetry of time flow: This should be fairly easy to describe. If you could imagine all that data existing in what can best be described as a river, our river is a channel that is always located in a fixed point in empty space, and the water flows through it. There's lots of data in this water other than water, but energy in the form of vibrations can flow through the water while physical data only flows with the natural movement of time flow. While this movement is created by spirit, energy can move in whichever direction it wants. Spirit is movement, and that's why the Gods worship the Holy Spirit, because it comes from outside our little "river" of sorts to give motion to our flow of time.

But that is not the current topic of discussion, so let's continue with what else should be written here.

If you could imagine our universe in the shape of a pringle, imagine a long long stack of pringles in a line. Each pringle, from the beginning of time until now is a different snapshot of time on the scale of...Well, what I suppose I cannot really say for sure but I would say it can be best described as a much bigger scale than we've seen to contain all the data of the universe.

Conclusion: Your mind has officially been boggled. I'm not a scientist but I derive my own conclusions and this is the way I currently look at the universe. Just picture it working, force yourself to imagine it working in a harmony, and it will all make sense.

Topic in reference to: The need for a completely different kind of collaboration (If you know what I mean...), so if there's anyone smart enough to point out the natural flaws (And there are probably many) in the idea let's start making it solid, eh?

But yeah, it's in reference to the article linked below.

Extra Links:

Have fun!