Nobody even mentions the Big Bang before you did... This tread is not Evolutionist vs Christians creationism and Inteliigent design.
"Absence of Evidence" should in fact be circonstensial evidence of non existence. Until proven otherwise that is. I mean why act like it exist if there is a total absence of evidence it does? I'm not saying to stop searching for the truth, what ever it is, but what do we do in the mean time? Get on our knees and pray? No, act as if it does not exist! How come so many people don't feel that way? I mean, fine, you believe it might exist, that's ok with me. But if you act on this belief, this faith, by praying, going to churches (or temples or mecca), wage wars to infidels, etc ... I mean I just can't begin to understand this total lack of logic. Science is not perfect and can't explain everything, but it does explain a lot of things...