so what are we expecting from the new maiden album


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

Kevin "what the fuck am i doing at a mixing console" Shirley said:
the album is a terrific IRON MAIDEN album — full of trademark gallops and canters, hard-rocking choruses — perhaps a little more tough prog riffing spirited about than on record lately, and definitely a couple of well-grounded groovers in there too. Long melodic intros abound and the rocker that's probably the single, is as tough as it gets on radio. There's one about a famous eccentric and novelist, whose memorabilia is sensitively distributed throughout the studio for inspiration.

Kevin "you mean the compressor SHOULDN'T be cranked all the time?" Shirley said:
"Anyhoo, the spirit in the band is as high as I've ever seen. Wing Commander Biggles (as I call Bruce [Dickinson]) is running around like a chicken with its head cut off, singing every take live, like it was his last — 'Arry, or Steve [Harris] is sounding better than I've ever heard since I began producing the band, galloping along very strongly — and the material is definitely the 'groovingest' in a decade. The songs are very progressive, with catchy choruses and I have to confess to being VERY optimistic about the material."


In hindsight, Dance of Death was too long winded. I find myself listening to Brave New World more than Dance of Death.

Smith & Dickinson didn't have much to contribute to BNW.
Too many people contributed to DoD, including McBrain and his acoustic jam.

The new Maiden album will be their best since 7th Son. [/scratched record]

EDIT: More "Montsegur" please, less "Journeyman".
is a new Maiden disc still relevant at this point?
it's like looking forward to a new Rolling Stones disc ..
Quick question, and please don't take this as being facetious for once:

Do Maiden do anything different these days? What I mean is have they offered anything really new in the past 10 years, or do they continue to AC/DC their way through life? I've heard very little of anything past 7th Son of a Twice Removed Third Cousin.
NADatar said:
Do Maiden do anything different these days? What I mean is have they offered anything really new in the past 10 years, or do they continue to AC/DC their way through life? I've heard very little of anything past 7th Son of a Twice Removed Third Cousin.
sure. they don't rehash old albums though i'm sure lots of people would want them to. maybe i can fuckin upload a great song from the last album for you
NADatar said:
Do Maiden do anything different these days?

Well, yeah, that's the fucken problem. If they remembered how they previously mastered the (science + art) of record production, songwriting, and cover illustrations, we'd be getting more "Powerslaves" out of them.
btw something i really wish they would QUIT FUCKING DOING:

the style of song that goes harris-written quiet-celtic-sounding-intro and then HEAVY SONG and then it ends in the same way it started with the same quiet intro and the same vocal line to wrap things up


i swear there have been like 10 songs that use that exact formula on the last 4 albums or so
Erik said:
btw something i really wish they would QUIT FUCKING DOING:

the style of song that goes harris-written quiet-celtic-sounding-intro and then HEAVY SONG and then it ends in the same way it started with the same quiet intro and the same vocal line to wrap things up


i swear there have been like 10 songs that use that exact formula on the last 4 albums or so

Haha, "The Clansman". Even worse that Blaze absolutely butchered that song -- possibly his worst vocal performance under Maiden's wing.
yeah he's absolutely fucking wank on that song

btw checked quickly: songs that follow this exact formula (quiet intro/heavy song/end with same vocal line/lyrics except slightly modified + quiet intro again):

* dance of death
* the clansman
* sign of the cross
* no more lies
* brave new world
* blood brothers
* fear of the dark
* fortunes of war
* the edge of darkness

Worse still is that songs like "No More Lies" and "Blood Brothers" have the repetitive 2 line chorus thing going on as well, so you're not getting much bang for your buck at the end of the day.

The 5 step plan for Maiden's new path to success:

1 - Fire Janick Gers and surgically replace his fingers with his toes, thereby allowing him to play with Nile if need be
2 - Decapitate Kevin Shirley
3 - Stop letting Steve 'ADD' Harris edit their live footage for DVDs
4 - Smith & Dickinson should participate in ALL songwriting
5 - Let my 4 year old do all their cover art illustrations
i think that could probably be real good

he can do regular old HEAVY METAL and make it not sound too "heavy"/"modern"/whatever people say doesn't fit maiden: see halford solo cd's
Actually, the first Halford CD (only one I've heard) has phenomenal production. It's razor sharp, unlike CW and AoB, so that could be exactly what the doctor ordered. See, Maiden need to get back to that crisp clean sound where the bass strings getting hammered sound like someone's stomping down on the low keys of a piano.
i agree. shirley fucking sucks (though admittedly dance of death was an improvement on brave new world soundwise, it's still pretty fucking poor). i don't know how steve harris has never sat down with powerslave and brave new world side by said, listened and realized "hey you know this new stuff sucks shit and is the worst production we've ever had probably!"
You have to think that he doesn't ever listen to the old stuff (that isn't making the rounds in their tour rehearsals). Although, they recently brought back some older songs by way of "Early Days" and even the "Death on the Road" tour.

Maybe whilst rehearsing some old songs like "Where Eagles Dare" and "Revelations", they remembered (a) what good songs are, and (b) what great production is.

I mean, seriously, what possesses them to write songs like "Wildest Dreams"? Maiden ALWAYS have a great opening track on all their albums, but this was just awful.