So what looks interesting for 2004?

NAD said:
No, but I now have two new bookmarks to explore. :)

I've heard very little East(ern) European metal, but what I have (Negura Bunget, Nokturnal Mortem, Vader) I find incredible, and quite a different style than more "traditional" lands of metal.
You need to hear Astrofaes and Drudkh. Also, technically, Romania ain't really in eastern Europe.
Yeah, that's why I said East(ern), as in those countries more east than what is typically assumed to be western Europe. :p

:lol: Everything is Oriental that isn't from France, Germany, or England. :loco:
I also want to hear more Japanese bands...interesting that they're the most ravenous consumers of metal on the planet, yet Sigh is the only band from there that I really appreciate. You'd think they would have more homegrown talent...maybe that's a good thing given their notorious weakness from glam/AOR... :)
Demonspell said:
I also want to hear more Japanese bands...interesting that they're the most ravenous consumers of metal on the planet, yet Sigh is the only band from there that I really appreciate. You'd think they would have more homegrown talent...maybe that's a good thing given their notorious weakness from glam/AOR... :)
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
King's Evil
I forgot to mention the new Intense album...and I'm waiting for Ad Hominem's newbie to come out on vinyl :) looking like potential for a grand year!
Me, withold info? I'm like the last fucker to know anything! OK here you go, taken from a Metal Blade update:
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]BOLT THROWER are currently writing new material for their 8th (as yet untitled) studio album. They plan to go into the studio in May, and the album will be released around October/November on Metal Blade Records. The band plan to promote the release with a full European tour and hopefully their first US tour for 10 years! [/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][url][/url] [/font]