So....what now?


Enemy Of God
Aug 26, 2007
I had a little internet-phobia in the last few months (I didn't even check my e-mails) so I wasn't here either,now I came back,and what sad news...Aja and Heather left? Damn....I loved them! (but I guess I'm not alone with this) I searched the entire forum to find some answers about what's goin' on now,any replacement,etc,etc...but so far I didn't find you have any news?

(Just silently wish that the break-up was relatively friendly and they will still visit here sometimes.)
Few weeks ago it was announced of their departure and as best I can tell, it was on a friendly note. Both Aja and Heather are wanting to move in the direction of their own original music and we wish them the best. The topics were on the BB, but were removed because they were getting out of hand with comments that were unsupportive of the band. For the last few shows a guy has sat in on Heathers seat, and Deb (from Ozzy Tribute w/Linda) on vocals. No announcement of Deb being offered the singing role, but from recent visit to Kuwait and Iraq, fans sound impressed. The Iron Maidens home page shows an opening for Heather's role, but still nothing on singing, so you have to wonder has that position sold? Regardless, I'm sure they'll find some excellent replacements. Sara once told me the problem is not finding a person to fit the role, but rather which one to pick - they're all so good!
Thanks for the info Red Shirt! Hopefully the girls will keep us informed,if there's some news. (I can't stop wondering if it was really a necessary step from them,but hey...they know what they want!)
Thanks for the info... I heard about Heather, but by the time I got to the boards to find out about Aja (I had just heard a rumor) the threads were all taken down and all I could find out is that there were nasty comments and so threads were removed...

I'll miss them both. Aja is amazing... she is such a petite little thing, but has a HUGE presence on the stage. Heather has some incredible talent, too. I'll look for more good things to come from both of them.
I don't know if this has been confirmed or not, but last I heard Heather and Aja have formed an all female Hall and Oats tribute band and Heather has quite the fro going on. Does anyone else have any other news on this?
I don't know if this has been confirmed or not, but last I heard Heather and Aja have formed an all female Hall and Oats tribute band and Heather has quite the fro going on. Does anyone else have any other news on this?

I'm still trying to figure out if you have been trying to be funny or just a jerk on some of your dumb posts.:erk:
I was only trying to make you laugh. I didn't mean anything insulting by it. The thought of Aja and Heather as a Hall and Oats cover band I find funny. I don't understand why that would come across as me being a jerk? Sorry if it did.
The really sad part about all this is that it seems to have driven the girls away. I haven't seen many posts from them since the departures.