So what songs did Smyth write on TGE

ms. anthrope said:
Um, sure, right. Well, I have a demo version and eets aaall miiine!

U bastard... you must give it to us!

BTW. haha when I realized there were 2 more nevermore songs (all the cowards hide and chances three) I was about to die. I had never been so happy in my life. And all the cowards hide turned out to be one of my favorites.:rock: :rock: :rock:
ms. anthrope said:
C'mon, I'm just playing with ya. It's a rough demo version.

We'll have to see what Steve says about it.

I know, it's cool. I just say really off-the-wall, cooky things when i'm tired.:cool:
ms. anthrope said:
"Bittersweet Feast"

"Sell My Heart For Stones"

"A Future Uncertain"

Is a "Future Uncertain" really all written by Steve? I thing on Utopia demo was a song World Unborn which has the same fragments as Future Uncertain... Am I right???