So what the fuck, is digital music going to take over completely?

So god damn true. EVERYTHING = SHIT

$5 DVDs are awesome but $11 Blu-rays are better.

The bipolarity of these two statements in such close proximity humours me greatly.

Anyway, my PS3 collects dust too. No games, no Blu-rays. Poor bastard device.
Where does one even buy CDs nowadays? How depressing. It would be nice to open up an album and look at some artwork and photos and maybe even some lyrics.
I buy all my stuff online, unless theres a new release at the local Hastings.

My wife and sister have asked why i still have cds. My sister doesnt even have a cd player in her house. She uses a cell phone and pandora hooked up to some speakers. My wife echoes the same thing about why i even still have a discman and boombox.

Do people even listen to full albums anymore? I seriously dont get it. Ill keep my cds and cd players. Fuck all that downloading, bullshit convenience. Something worth getting shouldnt be so easy.
I buy CDs regularly. Have a home stereo system (nothing compared to some of you fuckers) that I can plug my MP3 player into and often do, but I regularly drop in albums and just crank it.

Have an xbox360 and ps4. Use the ps4 both for games (all three of them until Destiny comes out) and bluray/DVDs as well as netflix. I own hundreds of movies and about 70 Blu-ray Discs. And a fuck ton of games
Screw this download society. I hoard stuff!
Where does one even buy CDs nowadays? How depressing. It would be nice to open up an album and look at some artwork and photos and maybe even some lyrics.

Is this question with reference to local shops? If so, barely anywhere. Online it's incredibly easy still.

Regarding CD players - I sold my Jolida about a month ago. Technically I've still got my PS3 (lol). I've probably already stated in this thread, but my cd purchases are usually immediately ripped upon arrival as I either play stuff through my stereo (hooked up to an HTPC), my car through a usb key, or through my Sansa Clip+ when running/biking.

Give me the ability do download lossless (flac?) music with high resolution artwork pics and I'll ditch the physical medium completely.
^one time I was given the option by iTunes to purchase some kind of enhanced album with a digital "booklet" with art, photos, notes, lyrics etc.
I've never been offered that since and the enhanced album I bought (for extra money mind you) didn't transfer from my iTunes to my portable device.
@J.'s full album question: that's what I'm after. I do it in the car cuz it has an old school (2007 luxury! Lol) in dash 6 disc and no connectivity other than a shitty aux-in. But at home it's just so easy to listen to iTunes Radio (metal, jazz, classical, etc) channels. This method is great for hearing stuff I would otherwise never hear but I do miss coming home with a new album, sticking it in the player and sitting down to read the notes while listening.
I still buy CD's, but i'll rip it to my PC because it's easier access than fumbling around for your favorite albums. I buy the cds for the artwork, lyrical insert and to make sure i get the best quality.
I still only listen to cds exclusively. Don't buy them as frequently as I did as a kid, but I attribute that to not having as much time as before. I don't think I have one album in mp3 format, as I cleaned out my hd, and deleted everything I had on a usb flash drive. I have a sansa clip, but the only ish I put on that are podcasts.
having two mortgages is ruining my ability to buy cds.
But I'll be buying stuff soon enough once we get this fucker rented.
Tired of being butt ass broke!

And yes, I still listen to my music from my computer. I rip it all on there and use winamp... it whips a lamas ass.
WTF just happened up in here?!

I only buy CDs and vinyl, almost always online, maybe from an actual storefront once a year. I wouldn't pay for mp3s if you paid me (figure that one out) and cassette tapes are fucking stupid.

I'll occasionally illegally download mp3s to scope out and if I find myself listening to them more than a few times, I'll buy a proper copy. Things move slower if it something out of print and expensive, but I'll eventually nail them all down if I can.

This is me typing the same post probably for the 4th time in this thread, but I had to contribute something in shock to the above mentioned statements of Frank.