I'd be pretty gutted in all fairness. I like reading the banter people have on here as much as I like the audio related information available.
I think, and bear in mind... this is just my opinion, that there should be a "X" day period before a member can post in this forum. I'm sure I've seen that on other forums, but I don't know how easy it is to setup. That would force new guys into using the search function before posting a question that's been asked 100 times previously.
At the same time, we should go easy on guys who bump threads, unless they say something completely random that was pointless, because at least they are using search. In fact, n00b posts should be answered in the same way. Tell them to use the search. I know it's frustrating, but I also know everyone around is good people. I don't think we should be scaring these n00bs away with "omfg, not again you fuckass etc." Some of them might be able to help us at some point in the future.
Another mod would be a good idea. I know Lasse is around a lot, but that puts a lot of weight on his shoulders. If one of the other well respected guys around here was available to mod, then that would lighten the load on Lasse for sure.
I don't wanna see this place go down the crapper, I've learnt a lot on here and I do try to give stuff back when I feel I can.