Hey Guys! You might consider me part of the "problem" as i have not posted much yet and anything.
So let me say this in a friendly way as a "noob"

I think the main problem is, that the new users (and all the people who are new to recording) often seek for "magic answers" on a pretty amateur lvl. As an example i didn´t know how a EQ worked and what to do with a unpleasing Guitar Track a few years ago.
In my case I did not ask for presets or explanations i could find or figure out by myself, because i respect communities like this.
I did not post any stupid threads, because I always kept asking myself - do you need this guys help to figure this out or is there another way?
The main problem about the situation in this board is IMO that new people don´t realize how annoying their FAQ and requests are.
They often post in blind desperation (because all this stuff IS desperating if you don´t have a clue what to do) and always are told to "figure out by themselfs".
I´ve read this Forum for 3 years now and never registered until now, but i really love this place! My suggestion to get rid of this problem is to start a noob section.
This may sound stupid for you but let me explain: On my YouTube account I have some of my mixes. They are not really great but they also are not super bad. I get a lot of feedback from other users asking for presets, samples and all that stuff. What I do is: I give them EVERYTHING.
All the ampsettings they want, all my presets and the stuff.
This way they start realizing that presets DO NOT do the job. They ask for help again, and after telling them "you need to figure this out by yourself - you see?!" I never hear anything again.
I think for all these People Presets seem so "magical" because they always hear them in great mixes and never get to use them by themself.
So I think a noob section would be good, even if the "big guys" would never read or write anything in there. I think noobs learning from noobs who exchange their presets with high amount of awweesome tact is still better than noobs spamming the forum and being bashed
What is also important to say is, that I don´t defend these people. I think they are ignorant and stupid to always cry for help :Smokedev:, but I think this could be a first step to solve the problem
Sorry for just stepping into your discussion and the shitty grammar