So when this place shuts down...

I fall into that group of people, but there is a reason for it. I know fuck all compared to most people here and as such I honestly feel kinda stupid giving feedback to stuff thats miles above me. The reason people post mixes here is because alot of the people here are damn good. I don't post mixes here to hear people say "That's cool!" I post to get suggestions of ways to make it better.

In other words, I would comment on other peoples mixes if it was of any value. In fact I do comment a lot on mixes on forums where the standard is much, much lower.

This goes for me too.
My suggestion to get rid of this problem is to start a noob section.

This is actually a great idea. Create a "Beginners (Basic production info and presets)" sub-forum and move all the sticky pertaining to that stuff in there. I think that would go a long way toward keeping the rest of us happy.

But really, I still don't see much of a problem as is. There are a lot of new kids and I have noticed the useful information threads declining but that's just how it goes. I don't see it going anywhere and will probably come around in a few years. The fact that it's stressing a few of you out to the point of effecting your day to day is a little odd.
there is no exchange of information here anymore..

Now you're just being silly. Wasn't it you that started a cool shootout thread just 3 days ago? Haven't Lasse, Ermz, Burny and a bunch of other dudes kept making similar useful threads? Did we not have a useful pre and post-release discussion of Cubase 6? Are great drum samples not shared on a regular basis (for example Greyskull's kick and snare)? Have there not been threads about less-obvious things such as details about isbn codes and other mastering-related technicalities, about business discussions and so on?

I could go on but I think you get the idea. How can you all discard everyone's recent contibutions to the forum, including your own?

This is actually a great idea. Create a "Beginners (Basic production info and presets)" sub-forum and move all the sticky pertaining to that stuff in there. I think that would go a long way toward keeping the rest of us happy.
I proposed a high-end section, because beginners never put the effort into finding the right section and they rarely view themselves as beginners. A high-end section would not suffer from this problem.

The fact that it's stressing a few of you out to the point of effecting your day to day is a little odd.
+1 to Shadow_Walker and C_F_H_13.

A lot of you guys must spend hours upon hours looking at this forum every day... I guess its easy to get wrapped up in all the shit that goes down but then again it really isn't hard to ignore it - if you see a thread titled "sturgis guitar tone" (or something along those lines) - why do you have to open it, read the posts and get annoyed by the newbie questions/posts?! Just look at the threads that interest you. As long as the experienced engineers/producers keep posting then this will remain a good source of knowledge. :cool:
I have been coming hear at least every other day for several years and it is incredible what all I have learned from this place and everyone that post here. I hope that this place does not get shut down that would be a major loss for everyone. Unfortunately I have been part of the problem, as in I have never really been truly a contributing member of this board. The reason for this is I record for fun, and as a hobby, I would love to be able to do this as a actual job/career but I am not even close to that level, and many of the people on this board are amazing at what they do. I feel that it would be hypocritical of me to judge the work of anyone else. I actually stored a lot of the information that I have collected from this forum and put in a book that I keep at my studio as a quick reference guide If I encounter a problem I don’t know how to fix. Anyways just wanted to throw in my 2 cents!
I am not a very big contributor to this forum, but I read it almost daily (ok, most of the days, several times/day) and I have learned alot during the year or two that I have been here.

My personal taste in music (and what I play) is a bit softer than most here. For example, growling is not my favourite way of singing:-), but anyway there is so much production talent around this forum so it would be a shame if it disappeared.

To my fellow newbies around here: Lot´s and lot´s of questions have been asked already and a lot of excellent info are in the "sticky threads" and even more available by searching, so please use that function!
That exact thing happened with the Opeth Forum right here in UM not long ago, so it isn't crazy to think about the possibility, but I agree with you, I don't think it'll happen (nor do I hope)

You can be very funny sometimes, and your completely messed up english sometimes makes it even funnier :lol: No offense intended of course

Yeah, i can lose the grammar pretty quickly if i start to wobble some shit with the keyboard. :D I've read numerous of my answers to the peoples threads and thought afterwards that. "aaaaaaaaaaaaa shit im messed up" Maby i learn it on the journey :D