So, while the global economy is taking a major whack...

So anyway, is anyone gonna answer the original question posed in this thread? Or are all answers on anything about Obama "ZOMG LOOK AT MCCAIN HE DID THIS!"

Also, I can't seem to find much on specific rules of what is and what isn't allowed to be paid for with campaign money. However, I did find that Obama has about 400 million of this shit.

No, the second part of the list is things he can't do, nonqualified campaign expenses.

But anyway, lets assume it is illegal.

If I were running for president and wanted to show the people I was there for them? I'd ask families in need to volunteer for me for a day, holding a sign or some shit, and then as a gift for their volunteering, give them 20,000 dollars (the limit for a volunteer gift) as a thank you. If the other campaign decided that they thought it was against the law, fuck em, go to court and defend myself for doing the right thing. It would show you're willing to fight the powers that be to do whats right, and that there is more than just words in your campaign.
Okay, so there isn't anything else in there saying whether he can or cannot do it. If it isn't in the laws, why doesn't he? Give it a shot, look like a fighter for the people if it comes under scrutiny from the rightwing... that's what jesus would do!
Anyway, I'm through with this. Arguing at this point is stupid, no one's going to change their vote at this point, and I tire of politics.

So, Star wars!
Jaina Solo is hot