So who else picked up the new Metallica- Death Magnetic?

My reading comprehension skills are fine. The problem I have is I cannot say anything on this board without people going for my throat. It amazes me that other posters on this forum have a much bigger attitude than I have (I really do not have one at all) but receive very little or nowhere the response I get. . But my opinions on things are always wrong or one sided or me whining or something. Only 1 person that regularly posts on this forum even knows me that well. So this will be my last post and thread. I will continue to read this forum but no longer post anything more. Its just not worth it anymore.

Ah, don't things so personally. I was just joking with you as I couldn't understand why you took offense to Patrick's post in the first place. I don't think anyone here is out to get you or anything.

The cd is ok for them and has 3 decent songs on it, but in general it is way under powered. My apocalypse the last song is as close to vintage Metallica as we will ever get. With the retro thrash movement going on and all the incredible new thrash bands popping up such as: Bywar, Evile,Hatchet,Warbringer,Kragens,Hexen,just to name a few I was hoping they would put out something awsome but what can i say its Metallica, disapointment comes as a free gift with the purchase of any new Metallica disc. I would rate it a 3 out of 10. Because there is only 3 songs worth listening to more than once.
I would rather save my money and buy something decent and not support a bunch of Aholes!!!!

I wasn't originally gonna buy it either, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to buy it at 5, 6 and 7 bucks cheaper than all the stores around Hot Topic.

At $5 how could I afford NOT to buy it right?

I'd say I've gotten my money's worth and satisfaction out of seeing all my friends pissed because I got it for the price I did and they went elsewhere and paid 10 or 12 for it.
That reminds me of when Use Your Illusion came out. One record store had a BOGO sale while everyone else charged per unit.

Anyway, good cd. No better or worse than Motorizer, Nostradamus, A Matter of Life And Death or Systematic Chaos.

like no shit, They were selling it for 5 bucks a CD and you could also buy a shirt for 5 bucks. They don't have it for 5 bucks today--just yesterday. I assume it was just a "Hey this is brand spankin new so buy it from us" deal. I most definitely took them up on it.

no coupons, no catches, just cold hard cash and Uncle Sam's cut.
I bought it at Wal-Mart on Friday for $8.60. Overall, I'm pleased with the effort. I don't expect this band to knock my socks off these days, but I want a decent album from them. With that said, that's what I got, a decent metal album. Yes, it has things that I would've done differently, but overall I'm pleased.
