So, who is it going to be tomorrow?


Apr 18, 2004
Coral Springs, FL
We've gotten all prediction happy the last couple of years, so why stop now? I have a perfect big fat zero and I'm going to attempt to continue that long record of prediction failures by predicing tomorrow's band(assuming it is tomorrow, which I think it is).

I say the band will be the opening slot on Saturday. And it will be:


Glenn was giving this band props when the album was first released and we're due for a prog band to be announced. So that's my guess.

Who do you folks think it will be?
I keep on hearing about Communic, but am not familiar with them. says they are a watered down Nevermore and the readers who voted on it gave it similarly lukewarm reviews. I think Venturia got a much more universal thumbs up from the internet metal community.
Headliner: Body Count.


He's going to announce some band that a lot of people are going to bitch about. Its about time for one that doesn't get full accolades. That's my only real prediction.
He's going to announce some band that a lot of people are going to bitch about.

He did say one band might be like that, but I think he also said it would be a promotion of a returning band that we might not currently think of as a headliner. Or maybe I just misunderstood.

If that's the case, I would think the most likely headliner of that nature would be Brainstorm. Kicked major butt, had a hugely awesome album come out after their performance, and has enough material to keep an audience interested for 90+ minutes without falling back on covers or filler material.
I'd fucking LOVE to see To Mera playing ProgPower. However, this year's female fronted band HAS to be After Forever. \m/

Okay now, how come everytime I mention To-Mera someone has to come along and say To-Mera would be cool, but better to have After Forever instead? Why can't there be more than one band with a female vocalist at the fest? Hmmmm??? :p
He's going to announce some band that a lot of people are going to bitch about.

He did say one band might be like that, but I think he also said it would be a promotion of a returning band that we might not currently think of as a headliner. Or maybe I just misunderstood.

If that's the case, I would think the most likely headliner of that nature would be Brainstorm. Kicked major butt, had a hugely awesome album come out after their performance, and has enough material to keep an audience interested for 90+ minutes without falling back on covers or filler material.

I'd love to see Brainstorm back at ProgPower, for I missed part (or most) of their set last time... (I know, I'm an idiot). Wuthering Heights, Adagio, The Devin Townsend Band and Pagan's Mind would also be great returns if you ask me. The one I see a lot of people talking about but I personally don't care for that much is Threshold.
Well, if we're talking about returns that could headline that didn't before, I think Brainstorm stands head and shoulders above the rest. They owned the crowd and then followed up with an even better album than their past great albums. Threshold is good and has enough material to headline, but I don't get the impression that they really won over any new fans at their performance. And their last album was good, but not a leap forward or anything.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Threshold. They're coming out with a new album next year and they kicked some serious ass last time.
I don't see why we couldn't have all female-fronted bands. The sex of the singer shouldn't matter. Females front power metal, prog, goth and melodic rock bands just like males. I doubt Glenn would have a quota of only one female-fronted band and no more than that.

I'm sure few would have complained if Nightwish had been the Saturday headliner and maybe After Forever had been the #2 on Friday or something.
I don't see why we couldn't have all female-fronted bands. The sex of the singer shouldn't matter. Females front power metal, prog, goth and melodic rock bands just like males. I doubt Glenn would have a quota of only one female-fronted band and no more than that.

I'm sure few would have complained if Nightwish had been the Saturday headliner and maybe After Forever had been the #2 on Friday or something.

I agree with you, but I believe that due to many female fronted bands have a similar approach to the music they play or, in many cases, the style of the vocalist, it tends to become repetitive and tiring for some. That may be the reason why we still haven't seen two female fronted bands playing at ProgPower the same year. As much as I love these bands, can you imagine watching Tristania, Within Temptation and Nightwish back to back? :lol: