So why the Krank?

i used to own a blackmore. well, i eventually sold it to get my 5150 head, so go figure :D

other than that, i couldn't get the powerball i played to sound good if my life depended on it. i mean, i even prefered my mesa DC-5 over the PB, and the mesa wasn't exactly my favorite rhythm amp - killer lead amp though.

to my ears, engls are overgained (read: overcompressed), lack balls, have a borderline harsh "glassy" highend, and all in all suffer from a severe lack of low midrange. the powerball tries to make up for this by having insane amounts of bottom end on tap (although my framus cobra could rip it a new one when talking bottom end), whereas the blackmore has more mids but the mids are voiced in a REALLY weird way imho.
i DO like engls at bedroom volumes....that's all they are, glorified bedroom amps.
geez, the engl hype has to friggin stop....for the price of a PB, you could easily get any of the framus amps, or even an used bogner überschall if you look hard enough.
Well, you have to remember that there really is no end all and be all of amps. Some amps excell at one thing, some amps blow hard at another. Which is why all the best sounding albums of all time have had the luxury of picking and choosing what amps to use for certain parts. Opeth's Ghost Reveries used ENGLs, Mesas, Laneys, and Marshalls at varying tracking times.

I happen to love my ENGL. It gets all sorts of tones, and destroys when it comes to high gain metal. The crunch isn't as great as a non master Marshall superlead, but thats ok, its versatility and MIDI control more than makes up for it.

Framus make great amps too, as do Bogner, Deizel, Bad Cat, Matchless, Peavey, VHT, Roccaforte, Marshall, and yes, even Crate. I still haven't been able to honestly say Krank sounds like anything I could bring myself to enjoy; our little private NAMM demo left me speechless--unable to say anything. I didn't want to offend the guy in his own demo booth ;)

But thats just my opinion, I may be wrong.
no worries man, it's all good....whatever floats your boat, i mean, i don't have to play your amp :lol:
maybe my comments regarding ENGL amps come across as rather harsh....they're not BAD amps per se, i just don't think they live up to the hype...not at all.
I asked him the same question when they plaed in Ft. Lauderdale. One of the main reseaons echoes what a lot of people tell me about the Mesa-Boogies in general: no mids. I'm sure Metallica putting them on the map back in the day had something to do with that. Lack of mids is the sort of thing that works on real atmospheric records like DNB and a lot of "grim" black metal albums, but if you want to give your tone life, mids definitely help. He also spoke of some other thing Dimebag had hot-rodded into the Krankenstein, but I forget exactly everything he told me. I'm sure the information is easily found in plenty of websites out there.

Truthfully, I wasn't impressed with sound samples on Krank's webpage but somehow some people like the Neverboys, Andy Sneap, and Michael Amott can get a good tone out of them. I personally wouldn't mind trying a Krankenstein out myself and seeing what I can get out of it.
I wish my recording shit would get here soon, cause i wanna show everyone what a krank can do. People try these amps for like 10 minutes, then say they're no good. It took me over 2 weeks to figure out how to work the krankenstein, and i've fucked with quite a few amps. Once i get my recording gear in, i'll post a demo of the krankenstein.
I love my 5150....of course it's modded to get the sound I like, but it is a limited use amp. I plan to get the new Engl Invader when it comes out later in the year to try something new
i sure wouldn't mind :lol: although i'd rather have a guitar endorsement....i'm not too much of a guitar freak, but being the amp whore that i am i just can't see me playing the same amp for more than 1 year tops :lol:

my framus doesn't get anywhere near the playing time it actually deserves, though. the thing is that it sounds like complete garbage at bedroom volumes (imho), but at high/moderate volumes it absolutely slays. i guess that's where the boutique thing kicks in :lol: