So you think you know Maiden?

Results so far;

1- The Duellist
2- Only The Good Die Young
3- Heaven Can Wait
4- Fortunes Of War
5- Fallen Angel
7- Look For The Truth
8- Brave New World
9- Two Minute To Midnight
10- Where Eagles Dare
11- Run To The Hills
12- Strange World
13- Be Quick
14- Fear Of The Dark
15- The Evil
I think it might be from The Clansman, yes. It has the Virtual XI sound, not muddied like TXF was. Of course, I'm probably talking out of my bot-bot.
When I say TXF, I mean VXI. Doesn't everybody know that?

I have no idea why I typed TFX, I could see the cover and was even singing the songs typing it. Stupid brain.
Dont you hate when you are in bed and the phone rings and you couldnt be assed getting up tp answer it so you let it ring out. But thisisnt good enough for whoever is ringing, so they persist on ringing every 2 minutes to see if I am home yet?

And then after about half an hour of lying in bed listening to the phone ring, you finally get up to answer the fucker, and it turns out to be for your brother who isnt even home! Fuck
Just to be sure, I gave the song I have listed as number 6 another listen. Then I flicked back through this thread to see if anyone had mentioned it.

It's not Futureal. :)
I should get cracking on the lyrics quiz I was thinking of doing. I'll just put one word per song and you have to guess which one it is.

Toughest. Quiz. Ever. Especially when I use words like 'the' (2 Minutes to Midnight) and 'tomorrow' (To Tame a Land).