Band - we wanna sound as tight as x band
engineer - let me hear you play
band - CHUGa CHUGaaa DJENt ggg DJENTTeh
engineer - well you don't sound like x band but if that's what you want pay me $$$ it will sound like CHUG CHUG DJENT DJENT
band - we have $80
engineer - FML
hahaha. nice one, very true.
the band I posted, one of their guitar players kept telling me he was going to finish the guitars in 15 minutes because that's all it took on the last recording. I kept saying, "ok, we'll see about that..."
8 hours later on the same song I think he got the point
it's funny, every once in a while I'll get a young player who thinks he's a purist. I say "ok, i want this part really perfect so we're going to do it half speed." He's all afraid of being a phony and starts to fight it....
I ask him, "Who are your favorite bands?" (answer) "Ok, they all do this." And on we go.