
I really do like the songs on the new album, Jerry is one of those guys. Whatever he does has integrity. But William blows. Saw a video of Maynard singing Man In The Box with them, he killed it, so rad. Jerry should do an album with a bunch of different singers and himself singing. Warrel would be a good one, it'd be so different. :dopey:

Admit it, you just have a bias against his hair.


You can cry all day long about how DuVall isn't Staley (and I happen to agree), but that doesn't mean he sucks. Because he doesn't. Hopefully on the next album they actually implement his voice more. You know, kind of how Anthrax did with John Bush when they were all writing material and not trying to make him sound exactly like a former vocalist?

Arguably one of their harder songs vocally. He does a really good job at making it his own, while it sounding close enough to the original.
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I remember reading when the album came out that Jerry said he purposely limited his vocals on this album for some reasons, but was expecting to let him go at it a lot more next time around.
You can cry all day long about how DuVall isn't Staley (and I happen to agree), but that doesn't mean he sucks. Because he doesn't.

I definitely wasn't crying, or being very dramatic at all. I just don't like his voice. I don't really think he sucks, either. I just don't like his voice. Pretty chill and reasonable opinion. I'm not sure who's responses you were reading.
I definitely wasn't crying, or being very dramatic at all. I just don't like his voice. I don't really think he sucks, either. I just don't like his voice. Pretty chill and reasonable opinion. I'm not sure who's responses you were reading.

Heh, you probably should reread my first quote of you. I'm not sure how anyone could misinterpret "William blows".
Yeah, that's really not crying or being dramatic at all, it's pretty concise and chill. I never said "oOOOoh, OH MAN, I wish LAYNE was still alive! a'Boo-HOO, oh man, I hate AIC now, they should never have reformed! :cry: "

And I did clarify, I don't really think he sucks.
Yeah, that's really not crying or being dramatic at all, it's pretty concise and chill. I never said "oOOOoh, OH MAN, I wish LAYNE was still alive! a'Boo-HOO, oh man, I hate AIC now, they should never have reformed! :cry: "

Most people seem to always want to compare former vocalists in a band with whoever else replaced them. This is natural, except most people act that because they are not a clone that they are just terrible and make a big deal about it. This is particularly the case with AIC. No, you didn't actually make a big deal about it, I was just associating. My bad.

And I did clarify, I don't really think he sucks.

Yeah, I understood after you restated it a bit.
if anything, hearing the new stuff with lots of jerry singing made me realize how much singing he did in the past and i think staley with his junkie antics was maybe just as much a detriment to the band as a benefit.
if anything, hearing the new stuff with lots of jerry singing made me realize how much singing he did in the past and i think staley with his junkie antics was maybe just as much a detriment to the band as a benefit.

I kind of felt the same. I didn't realize he was doing that much of the vocals until later, but it seems like he started trying to add more to the harmonies around Dirt. Although I think maybe he did quite a bit on Sap too.
if anything, hearing the new stuff with lots of jerry singing made me realize how much singing he did in the past and i think staley with his junkie antics was maybe just as much a detriment to the band as a benefit.

I realized this after hearing Boggy Depot, which is incredible. Also Degradation Trip is top notch, it has some great AIC songs that never were.
I love the new stuff and I can't wait for the next album.

Staley had a very unique voice with a good range on the albums. I sing 2 hours' worth of AIC material while playing guitar on some of the songs as well, and while it's not really that hard, it's not that easy either. The problem isn't hitting the notes, it's hitting the feeling.

Love Hate Love isn't that hard with a little practice. In fact, it only gets a bit difficult towards the end with the repeated, "LOOOOOOOOVE HAAAAAAATE LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE!!!" so close to each other. Staley had a really odd voice that didn't really fit in tune sometimes and that was his strength. He was strongest on Facelift because after that heroin took over and dropped his voice a good octave or so.
Tim no doubt. fits the band perfectly. I wouldn't mind Pat either. don't care about Curran, though I guess he'd be the only one available.