
The sentimentalist in me says Tim. The thrasher in me says Pat. Either would be great though.
Why not just go the Iron Maiden route and get both? :)
who would you like to see back in NM ? Curran Murphy? Tim Calvert? Pat O'Brien? Smyth is not an option..

That guy on the right where Will was filming from the balcony.
You had the long sleeve shit on and spinning like a drunken windmill...yeah, the guy in that vid. :lol:

I think he's the one that wrote "No More Will".

...maybe, I think.:dopey:
Loomis and Smyth. Apparently both of them are not options... This makes me angry.

I'm gonna go beat the shit out of Loomis. He was at the top of my list. Now his name just sickens me... And makes me sad. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger... And The Rock... It's been a tough year on the hero front for me... :cry: :)lol:)
Pat O'Brien would be the best choice. Tim Calvert hasn't been active in the music scene for a while now it seems. Could you just kiss and make up with Jeff, already?
no offense but isn't pat in cannibal corpse still? i couldn't see him leaving a band like cannibal corpse after this long to join any other band. i think any guitarist and drummer would be cool, as long as they're skilled technically and can write great music. doesn't matter if they have a big famous name, just as long as they know and feel that whole nevermore vibe and can write/play great music.
'any guitarist as long as...blahblahblah'

so, you'd rather be scared that the material would sound like a cheap Nevermore clone than at least have some kind of cushion of 'hey, this guy co-wrote one of the greatest metal albums ever'?
I'd love to see (and hear) Pat come back to NM, but honestly Warrel the reason he left was because he wanted to play heavier shit, and if you plan on keeping the direction that the last album went with, then I can't see him being swayed back in when you're competing with CC. We all love Tim and we all love DNB, so that seems like the most feasible option. I wish Jeff would come back and complete the circle... But I digress.
Curran for his stage presence but Pat or Tim for the music...both would be the best choice. No offense to Atilla but a Tim and Pat lineup would be just ridiculous.

If only one is an option? Prolly Pat.