Soilwork - Figure Number Five inc. bonus cd


May 1, 2003
I think that soilwork's new album is fucking great. i love every second of that cd. from rejection role to downfall 24, this cd has some really great riffs, even tho the chorus' are only octaves and power chords, its speed's vocals that mainly caught my attention in this album. in my personal opinion the whole chorus should be sung, and not have jsut one line where he has the monotone screaming. of his lyrics are soooo much better than Terror 2k's faster disaster. now don't get me wrong, its a great album. but ' cut your wrists... ... dye your hair' is pretty cheesy. but do not forget mercury shadow's chorus. But back to the FNF. Soilwork was once a guitar driven melodic death/thrash metal band, but with their past 2 releases they have become a vocal driven death metal band. either way or not this album kicks total fucking ass. i give it an 8/10.

The bonus cd how ever only gets a 6/10. yes i love hearing demo tracks from their first album, but the sound production sucked ass. it sounds like they used 4 track recorder. but i did like 'my need' better on this disc rather than on sbs. i would have liked to have see asylum dance, shadow child(original) and egypt on there to

NP - what do you think?
It's an album that grew on me, but I had to buy it first. Which doesn't really say much, considering that when I had the mp3's, I thought the album was shit. I was greatly anticipating this album, as NBC is a phenomenal release, but in the end it does come across as mediocre. Let's hope they pick themselves up (like In Flames...). Fingers crossed.
FnF fucking ROCKS!