Originally posted by The Wanderer:
True, Anders should not sing, I dont' even think he should growl. His vocals were really weak on the last in flames album.
I don't know what it is that bugs me so much about the clean singing on the new soilwork, I don't think it fits. Its good they are trying new things and stuff, each band can do what they want, I just don't find them interesting any more. If you haven't heard their old stuff, you NEED to get The Chainheart Machine. Its awesome. That was my introduction to the band, and probaly why I don't like the new one. I thought they were gonna keep speeding up, but they slowed down. They aren't a fantastic band, but they were good at playing super fast melodic riffs in a realy energetic and clean way. Dowload spirits of the future sun, the title track, or million flame.