Soldano vs. 5150 vs 5150III

The Soldano is a great amp, but I wouldn't use it for thrashy metal again. That build-up of 'flat' mids at ~500Hz is just too severe, and can't really be opened up with processing. There is something always not quite 100% with the tone in a metal rhythm context. Makes you realize how much fizz-junk the 5150 has in its tone though, side-by-side.
Yo, that soldano has some serious air movement going on, nice, but I guess thats what you'd expect.
Frequency-wise I like the 5150 more though, for that "mid" tone I'd use an ENGL Savage or similar instead.
Honestly, they all sound so similar that I feel like you could've gotten them to sound almost identical in this mix if you EQ'd them individually.

FWIW, the Soldano is a bit more muddier than the other two and sounds kinda like it has a blanket over it at times. The 5150 sits best in this mix IMO, though the tone difference between it and the Soldano are so slight that with a bit more treble, the Soldano would sound practically identical. The 5150 III was the only one that was a really noticeable change in tone, because it had way more sizzle on the top end and because of it, it sounds too fizzy, but I feel like you could've fixed that by turning down the presence.
Wow, that Soldano blew me away. I think that's the most fitting tone I've heard for that song. I checked out the Earforce, the Recto and the Krank, and this one comes out on top easily.
I call bullshit on half your answers, the differences between the 5150 and the Soldano are BARELY negligible at best. The 5150II however I agree was harsh......

Make sure you listen in 720- people, AMAZING how much the 5150 actually sounds like the Soldano!

+1....they all sound very close, the soldano has a little more mids and the 5150 has a little more presence.........maybe with a little eq they would sound the same ,they all sound good to me...yeah the 5150III has a slightly harsher sound, but its still good

Agreed. The Solando is seeming more and more like one if those unnecessarily expensive enigmas I'm not going to make such a huge deal about trying to try or buy. In this clip, to me, the 5150 sounds clearer, and the difference is so tiny.

If a Soldano is lying around, sure, ill probably try it. But I'm not gonna go outta my way. XP I already got a 5150, 5150II, and a 6505 that all sound hella different.

In the end, this comparison has satisfied and ended my Soldano gas, as well as out the 5153 further into obscurity.
Lasse, can you please add information on the recording process of these clips? Cab? Etc? Thx!
5150 sounds the best IMO. The Soldano has more honk shit going on and the 5153 is so harsh compared to both. You can easily hear how similar the 5150 is to the original it is copying, but the 5150 sounds like it fits better, has better clarity while retaining the good midrange (not so... "cardboard" sounding?)

This marks the 2nd time I have heard someone do a SLO vs. 5150 clip - and it's the 2nd time I have preferred the 5150 over the SLO without the slightest doubt.

*shrug* .02
You used an od in front?
I think soldano and 5150III sound better without one...
My 5150II surely does...
I agree with those who are saying the 5150 sounds best in these clips. I think it's a bit more "caged" sounding, than the more open 5150 tone. The midrange quack of the 5150 is a bit more desirable to me than the more flat sounding Soldano. The EVH fell flat compared to my 6505 as well; that's why I got it modded :)

Thanks for the comparison.
the Soldano sounds solid but the 5150 sounds so similar, it wouldn't even be worth it IMO, for that kind of money.

I'm starting to dislike the 51503 more and more.

I just want a TwinJet and I'll be happy. =D
I'm liking the midrange on the Soldano a lot. Yes, it's kind of "protruding", but in a good way. I'd cut a little of that midrange bump and... voilá, perfect tone (with that DI, we all know how that reflects on the final tone). In another note, I'd like to see how the 5150 III sounds with the correct settings. I think it has more potential than what we are hearing here.
yeah, the 5153 can definitely sound better with the treble a bit lower...
that's actually one of the complaints I'm having about that amp...with the treble below 11:30 it sounds too dark, above 12:30 it sounds too bright....(for EMGs)
this is definitely not the best tone you can get from the 5153...or from the Soldano for that matter
Have to agree that the 5150 sounds the better of the three. Oddly seems to be a good middleground between the 5153 and the Soldano.

I don't quite get where people are coming from by saying the 5150 and the Soldano sound near identical... it's a night and day difference to me.
I actually think the 5150 and the 5153 sound MUCH more similar than the Soldano and the 5150...guys, listen to the midrange as well as the highend(fizz), it's COMPLETELY different on the soldano