Solefald netmeeting


May 29, 2002
Oslo, Norway
Hi, folks. Just a quick note to let you know that Solefald is doing a netmeeting with Dagbladet (one of Norway's biggest tabloids) tomorrow (friday the 28th) at 12. Here's the link:

For those of you who don't speak Norwegian, here's how you do it: Scroll down to the box where it says "Spørsmål" and write your question there. You might also want to fill out the box saying "Navn" with your name and the one saying "Tittel" with a title for your question. You can ask questions right now (they will be saved for tomorrow), or catch us when we're online. Have fun and ask whatever you want (within reason, damnit!)
I just got an email from Cornelius about this! I sent in my question! Seems kind of funny to me that we would have to send in questions though, since we can ask you guys questions through here and through e-mail.