Solo C is THE SHIT


Oct 26, 2009
So lately I've been in love with sending a signal from SOLO C out with my DI to my 5150 for recording. I've been using it as a booster, sort of like a tube screamer. So instead of sending just a DI/dry whatever you call it track out to the amp, I've been enabling SOLO C instead as a booster.

To put it simply, the characteristics that the Solo C can add are astounding.

Here's a clip where the guitars are played with this chain:

Gibson Les Paul--->Tube Screamer---->Orange Rocker 30

And here's the same clip, everything set exactly the same, except through this chain:

Gibson Les Paul--->Solo C----->Orange Rocker 30

For me, it gives me a sound and a characteristic that is unique and it works quite well.
realy nice man :D
are you using the soloc preamp/head/regular ?

Just using the vst plugin


Set to "clean"

all crunch/overdrive/eqs are set to 12 o clock and master is set to 7.

I noticed that the 'master' is just like the overdrive/gain knob on a tube screamer. but there's something about the timbre of the SoloC that really clicks with me!
Yep Dandelium did this for a while into the 8505 amp sim with killer results. I've had decent results with it. Solo C is great for cleans.