Solstafir - Köld

Climb Thar Hill

not family oriented
Jan 23, 2006
Tomb of the Giants
I was not even aware these guys were recording! Apparently the album is finished and will be available in April! :kickass:

So there's a guy at metal-archives who wrote a great (and correct!) review of Root's masterpiece, "Kärgeräs". I looked to see what else he had reviewed, and the only other album he wrote up was Sólstafir's "Masterpiece of Bitterness". So I immediately checked it out, and what do you know, he was right about how great that one is too.

Then I thought "why the hell didn't I hear about this album at RC?!" So I searched the archives, and of course, you guys were all over it back when I wasn't looking. Sorry for doubting you!

"Köld", like "Kärgeräs", starts with a K and has an umlaut, so I'm counting on it to be almost as good as the Root album, ok?

so is anyone else totally fucking excited about this?

edit: okay, i'm a bastard and i caved. it is positively incredible, enough said. it would be sweet if they released this on vinyl.
Love Is the Devil (and I Am in Love)

fucking amazing tune. this album is iiinnncreeeddible, i can't wait to have a hard copy.
Well, way to let post-rock mildly ruin the enjoyment (some of the über-lenghty one-riff instrumental builds just cannot be justified), but there are several killer parts strewn all over the place. Needs repeated listens imo.