Some AA covers I've done over summer break

Wow, I didn't know a bunch of people replied since I last checked this.
All tabs are from, as well as the drums (extracted from the gp4 files).

As for the growling, I actually was really fucking loud while doing it. I was pretty sure I was using my diapraghm.. I wasn't stressing my vocal chords much, but it was still loud. I'm kind of surprised that the police didn't show up =0

EMGGibson: Yeah, I downstroked the first one. I got tired progressing through the day and alt picked the 2nd time that riff shows up.
thadood said:
Forgive the shit MIDI drums =)

Anyway, these were recorded over time, about a week in between. As you can tell, my mixing got a bit better as time progressed. I eventually added vocals towards the end. I'm no vocalist, so it's the best I can do!

Thousand Years of Oppression: Here
Beheading of a King: Here
Versus the World: Here
Death in Fire: Here
Fate of Norns: Here
Pursuit of Vikings: Here

Nail me with your critisism, good or bad.

Hey good job. I didn’t have the patience to download all of them with my dial up connection but so far they are great. I wish my recordings sounded half as good as this !