Some CoB questions...

That's one detail to prove that details from the bible shouldn't be taken to litteraly.
Another one is that it is impossible to crucify someone and put the nails through the hands. It tears. Nails were put inbetween the bones beneath the wrist. I am no anatomy-expert, but I know that for a fact.
This is my theory on stories in the bible. There is probably some truth in the stories, a bit blown up so that the stories stick with you. I have mentioned this before, I reckon the message on ethics and morale to be the goal of the bible and other holy books for that matter. Just like fairytales, sages and fables. There is probably some fundamental truth in it, but adam and eve, walking on water, the red sea incident? Poetic liberty, man. Extreme's work better.
Heavenscent said:
That's one detail to prove that details from the bible shouldn't be taken to litteraly.
Another one is that it is impossible to crucify someone and put the nails through the hands. It tears. Nails were put inbetween the bones beneath the wrist. I am no anatomy-expert, but I know that for a fact.
This is my theory on stories in the bible. There is probably some truth in the stories, a bit blown up so that the stories stick with you. I have mentioned this before, I reckon the message on ethics and morale to be the goal of the bible and other holy books for that matter. Just like fairytales, sages and fables. There is probably some fundamental truth in it, but adam and eve, walking on water, the red sea incident? Poetic liberty, man. Extreme's work better.
i like people like this, who can admit that the bible is a bit . . .shall i dare say "far fetched"

i looked at it as a guide to living, not "THE WORD, AND ONLY WORD"

i like those guys who take EVERYTHING in the bible literally, "you shall tame serpants and not be harmed" <-- especially these guys, who get bit, and say, "well its was gods will" then BOOM. . Fuckin dead 3 days later
theres a book called "the da vinci code" it tells some interesting facts (some guy did some serious research) and it pretty much tells how all this religious stuff is a bunch of crap.
yeah i heard about that book...about how in the painting "the last supper", if you look at the disciple next to him, you can really tell it's a woman. also, the infamous "holy grail" or chalice, isnt anywhere in the painting, but the space between Jesus and the "female" disciple make the shape of a cup. and "she" is the only other person at the table facing forwards. i dunno, it's all pretty interesting. they say that she's Mary Magdalene (not the prostitute) and maybe they had a baby?

yeah that book pretty much blows away all the cliche, stereotypical stuff that usually comes out of what people think of the bible. it's kindof refreshing to see someone challenge those beliefs and get somewhere with it.

well, i think it's pretty interesting, even though im not religious. just kindof interesting to read about, and it comes in handy for discussions like this .
Upload it as a PDF and i'll check it out.

I'm saving for a new guitar so dont have cash to spare for books :lol:

(I've spent a collective £100 on music theory books and stuff lately)
wow. when i read the first post, i knew the kid would get some flaming but this is insane... how about this...religion battles are stupid. both sides are rooted in too deeply so nothing will ever get achieved. im not religious at all, but as long as no one gives me shit for it, ill leave religious people alone...the only thing i never got was this :

religious people claim no one is free from sin....the bible was written by men, who were therefore sinners....praising a book written by a bunch of hellraisers eh? im starting a new religion! and in order to be faithful, send me a dollar so i can get my new guitar :wave: :grin:
I'm 16 ok, I'm not some kid. But me and my parents are Christians so we do care what's in the lyrics
lol i'm also 16 and my parents are ALSO christians..
luckily they dont know much english so i can just turn to max volume and they dont care ^^
Well... this topic got abit off topic.Where the heck are the moderators??? I'm suprised they let such a string of cussing go on... oh well.

Well I've been quietly watching what's going on, couldn't resist getting into the argument. Kinda stupid of me, no way can I convince you, but what the heck.

Haven't bothered to read everything I'll just make a couple comments. I've found a ton of great bands in the meantime to listen to, namely: Kalmah, In Flames, Dark Tranquillity, Opeth, etc, etc... still going to get COB as soon as I get to college, because they remain my favorite band.

Now just a few comments (I'm going to ignore the evolution issue, it's too complex... and I'm not a scientist so I'm not qualified to argue it)... but just so you know, it's possible to be a christian and still believe in evolution. If you interpret the creation story and the 6 days of creation as having been thousands/millions of years. I know some christians who believe in evolution, I think they're wrong, but they're still christians/saved.

This is really complex, I don't claim to understand God, and frankly I'm glad I don't, God's far beyond my limited scope. But here's my try at theology.

Basically, God hates sin, but loves people. He created Satan, and set into motion all this stuff, and sent his son to save the world, all to bring glory to himself. Ok this might sound selfish but it's not. Everyone and everything glorifies something, whether it's money, cars, junk, whatever. We're supposed to glorify God alone but none of us achieve this completely(even Christians who still sin). Since everything is supposed to glorify God... who's God supposed to glorify? Well himself of course.

Now, someone said that Jesus told his disciples they'd have eternal life yet they still died. Correct. But what you fail to understand due to your not knowing the issue at hand well enough is that Eternal life does not mean they never die on Earth. Eternal life means to spend eternity in heaven. Everyone lives forever in the afterlife, but if you're in hell, it's basically like you're in Eternal death.

The interesting thing is that everyone goes to where they want to go. You people would rather go to hell then bow down to God and confess your sins. Your very attitude shows this. You're basically going to get what you're asking for.

Oh and about that quoted verse about the whole iron chariot thing... God sometimes during the conquest of Canaan allowed the Israelites to lose ON PURPOSE. Usually it was because someone had commited a sin God had specifically forbade, or because the Israelites didn't have enuff faith. Regardless, it was never because God lacked the power to overcome some human weaklings.

There are no contradictions in the bible. Tell me a contradiction you find in the Bible and I'll prove you wrong.

Oh and whoever said Jesus is white?!?!? That's dead wrong and you can blame that ignorance on the person who said that and the artists who paint the painting but trust me, it does NOT say that in the bible.

And I'm pretty sure that historians have a good grasp on how people were nailed to crosses. They were probably nailed hands feet, and chest.

About the serpent thing, those people got it all wrong. Jesus told SPECIFIC people who he was sending out as missionaries that they would touch serpents and not be harmed. He didnt tell ALL CHRISTIANS that. So blame it on the ignorance of those who misinterpret it, not on the bible.

Now I'm kinda tired it's 1:00 AM in the morning here, and I feel like watching some Alias shows so I g2g, but I'll leave you all with this question.

I seriously don't understand how anyone can be a complete atheist. It's impossible IMO. Even if you believe in evolution, in the big bang or whatever that started it... my question is what started the big bang?? Aliens? Ok so let's say aliens started the big bang. Where did the aliens go from? Another, previous big bang? Who/what started that?


Prove me wrong on that point, and kudos to you.

YOu made some fair points. I dont agree but at least you looked at everything in a logical maner. For that, i give you a cookie.

Listen dude. Humans are made of thousands of millions of tiny cells.

Haircells, skin cells, you name it.

At the very core of human existance is DNA and RNA

But anyway.

A human is not ONE living thing.

A Human is a culmination iof MILLIONS of living Organisms working in a near perfect balance to sustain a large scale life promoting growth, etc etc.

Cells only have a short life cycle and so when individual cells "Die" do they go to heaven? No. So why is it only when a MASS of cells are arranged in a balance does the Cumulative mass go to heaven if they have behaved?

Thats the thing man. We are NOT one being with a soul.

We are a series of Dioxy ribose sugars, Amino Acids, proteins and hormones working in a structural and otherwise perfect balance.

We are made of MILLIONS of living organisms.
Shipping address for cookie:

615 Crossbox road
Charlotte, NC


J/k that's not my real address.

You're right about the cell stuff, but I still think we have a soul.

Anyways I really have to go to sleep now. Goodnight again
About the soul, who the hell knows man.

I believe a soul is what you make of it.

I.E Putting your heart and soul into a guitar solo.... Just means giving it your all.

you cant literally put your heart into anything, and technically, neither can you put your soul into it.

As i said, i dont believe in the soul other than it being what you make of it.
needled strong thoughs on every thing about god and i agree nice agruments made...but in the end to change the worlds mind it will take many years(thousands) to erase a lie which is god ..but god isnt all bad it gives hope to people who have none but theres some people who take it too far
WNxScythe said:
I seriously don't understand how anyone can be a complete atheist. It's impossible IMO. Even if you believe in evolution, in the big bang or whatever that started it... my question is what started the big bang?? Aliens? Ok so let's say aliens started the big bang. Where did the aliens go from? Another, previous big bang? Who/what started that?


Prove me wrong on that point, and kudos to you.

Who created God?

If God can just be, why can't the universe?
Interesting thread, really. i read it all (: (:

> if god is all powerful, and can do ANYTHING. Could he make a rock he cannot lift?

haha, that somehow reminds me of an episode of i think twilight zone that i saw years ago, which really caught my mind: a math teacher alone in a classroom is really puzzled by a really complex equation he's writing on the blackboard, and he says "i'd sell my soul for the answer to this!!!" then the devil appears in the room and they argue about wether the devil will take his soul because what he said, vs. it was just a figure of speec, etc, etc... at the end of this discussion, they agree on a deal: the teacher will give the devil a challenge, to do one thing, anything. if he succeeds, he will let him have his soul, the devil says ok. so the teacher says "get lost!" and the devil cries "noooooo!!!" and vanishes into smoke :grin:

... and about the whole religion issue, organized religion has caused nothing but wars and conflicts in the history of human kind. wether or not some form of "god" exists is simply beyond human knowledge, at least for the time being.

But, -IF- there is a superior and/or all powerful being(s) or god(s), what do you think this god(s) would better expect of me... that i try my best to be a good person and live a good life, or that i waste all my time praying at him, adoring him and worshipping him and reading and re-reading every letter of some stupid book called a "bible" ????

anyway, thats my $0.02 ... now i have to go pray guitar, cause thats MY religion :rock: :grin: :grin: :grin: :rock: