Some extreme drumming

That makes me glad I'm just a guitarist: no ridiculous physical standards to live up to, save wrist flexibility/speed. I still wish I could do that though. Honestly, sometimes the drums look like a hell of a lot more fun than any other instrument.
The drumming in the original post is pretty good, but pretty standard death metal fare really.

Carter Beaford is a great drummer, it's a shame he plays in such a sucktastic band though.

As far as modern metal drummers go, my pick of the bunch is Chris Pennie. Check out this solo.

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Sheila E, one of the best fucking drummers in the universe :kickass:

EDIT: for those of you who haven't seen it, I highly recommend seeing the Prince film "Sign O'The Times", in which Sheila E does one of the most amazing drum solos by a woman I've ever known of. She's damn a remarkable musician.
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I'm very interested in the style of drumming done by Pennie in the beginning of that video. I like the idea of the downbeat being completely hidden. This was sort of the goal of blastbeats, except that instead of there being no downbeat, every beat is the downbeat, eliminating its significance. That type of drumming could be quite integral to ambient forms of metal as blastbeats have been.
The drumming in the original post is pretty good, but pretty standard death metal fare really.

Carter Beaford is a great drummer, it's a shame he plays in such a sucktastic band though.

As far as modern metal drummers go, my pick of the bunch is Chris Pennie. Check out this solo.

That was sick. Why have I heard no bands employ this??? I'm emailing this vid to the drummer in my band ASAP.

Is the rest of Dillinger Escape Plan this good? I never bothered to check them out.
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Is the rest of Dillinger Escape Plan this good? I never bothered to check them out.

Yes, they're all crazy musicians. I saw them live last year, and they were absolutely mindblowing. Tight as fuck and insanely aggressive, I've never seen a band go so mental on stage and keep it all together.

Dillinger Escape Plan - Panasonic Youth
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Yes, they're all crazy musicians. I saw them live last year, and they were absolutely mindblowing. Tight as fuck and insanely aggressive, I've never seen a band go so mental on stage and keep it all together.

Dillinger Escape Plan - Panasonic Youth

Should I start with Calculating Infinity?
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