Some Facts About My City

Deadnight Warrior87 said:
Yeah, you're either gonna laugh or cry when you here this, but the baseball teams name has been changed as of last year. It's no longer the Anaheim Angels, it's not the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.:Smug:

:lol: i fucking read that!

how dumb!
I know, but people still have the same pride they did before in the team. The reason is the city didn't want to pay an extra like $3 million just to keep the team name the same, so they just said fuck it. Plus, I believe we are going to get a professional American football team here in the next five years, so cash will keep rolling in.
Deadnight Warrior87 said:
Coach Bombay.:lol:
He was to strict on the Ducks when they lost against the Iceland in the first game like 93829034 to 1, so he made them practise like real men and the kids started crying and gave him a cool nickname.

Bombay is a shitty name.
Daewa said:
:lol: I had a pen pal that lived in Anaheim Hills.
OK, that was about 15 years ago. But I thiink its funny (especially after a bottle of wine :lol:)

lol pen pals i remeber them and the angels stadium was real nice at least if they still play there since the change of the franchise