Unknown Facts to some?


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
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I won't Spam a shitty thread, this is very close though. Think that I should probably keep this at a PM level the The Lantern Nut but the reason for this "thread" was a totally hilarious thread about Alexis make-up, as if the world could'nt wait to find out. Chokehold posted a real "mind boggeling" reply which I felt needed an answer, the result was previously unknown facts with a great big scoop of sarcasm. The Idea is you read the stuff below. Should you be inspired (Me and God hope not) you can pick out your own artist or celeb. and tell us all the unknown "TRUE" facts about them such as I have revealed about young guitar-padua Alexi. So hold on to you hair-piece, get some good bleach detergent ready (for the undies, should you sphinctor muscle burst upon reading the below nonsence) put the helmet on, sharpen you lenguisitic skills and off WE go....weeeeeeeeeeeaaahhhhhh.....

The Lantern Nut said:
Yeah you're right Asphyxy there isn't much sun in Finland...well I've never been there but it's a well known fact that its dark there a lot.....by the way I REALLY like his paleness...!!

Chokehold said:

Hey, imagine, when Alexi is black... (nothing racism)

Mammoth said:
I know for a fact that Alexi IS black. He was born in Ungahhabongahee in southern parts of the Ivory Coast. Some mean slave owners rounded up all the little children collecting rubber from the rubber trees. Little Alexi was then shipped to this butt-cold place called Finland where he was forced to play guitar for fifteen years (see not ten as described on their "homepage") out in the mosquito infested swamp woodlands. In order to make more money for his new owners poor Alexi was made to play Heavymetal giggs to semi-concious youths. He became a young guitar God killed the slave owners and fled across the world touring causing mayham and hearing imparment.

Point: Not only white make-up, but a longhaired wig, contact lenses (for those European glistering eyes) and numerous plastical surgerys to look more Finnish, nail polish, floor polish, dental wax paste and hair mousse. Well I think that is all...

It is kind of funny? Isn't? Stay away from COB's members and give me the pleasure to tale you all 'bout them! The rest of the planets inhabitants are yours for the taking, all of them!! Well? Who is next?

[Edit 1] Oh yeah, you have to "link" this in some way to a thread in the UM forum by quotes, you know(anyband at UM's forum) Peoples ignorance shall be our bliss. Find someones stupid comments and use them against them!! PUNISH!!!! MAIM!!! TELL THE "ALMOST" TRUE TALES!! ENLIGHTEN THE MASSES!!! HA AHA HAHAMUUAGAGA
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Hell yeeeeaaaahhh c'moooooooon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmmmmm I know for a fact that Britney Spears is intelligent! and VERY interested in geography!!!!
*i've got that Martini bottle close at hand
*in the spoken word parts ("death be not proud" etc) Alexi's Finnish accent is cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*He makes the guitar scream like *I* wanna scream!!!!