Some fresh tests for the summer...

I'm 56% gay, and 'a happy and well adjusted hetero babe'. i don't see how the two fit together, but hey, well :)
40% gay. I'm a straight-laced girlie girl with just a hint of my butch side sometimes popping out! (tell us smt new..)

And i'm a woman with 86% confidence :rolleyes:
oh, and one more note: i'm taking the "best friend" test @ the spark and obviously they know something about who my best friend is. one of the questions starts off with

"Your best friend is set on fire by adorable but menacing dwarves. "

family fight?

h (i'm laughing a lot tonight)

(Dominant Introvert Abstract Thinker )
Like just 4% of the population you are an EXPERIMENTER (DIAT). Although you're slightly shy (admit it!), you love control. When a problem comes in your way, you stomp on it swiftly and decisively. You are bothered easily by failure in others and failure in yourself. You don't like people that you don't think are intelligent. Rather than arguing with them, however, you would just as soon ignore them altogether.

In relationships, you have a strong heart. And because you're introverted, people take you as someone they can trust. But the fact is that in addition to solving problems, you like to create them. So there's a decent chance that you'll cheat on a loved one. If you do, you'll likely get away with it.

You're a good person at heart, but then again, who isn't?
why did you get the whole profile? i only got my score, an unfair 143 (unfair since i had to take the thing in english, and there was a part about use of language, which i would no doubt have done better in italian), but no profile...
