Some important questions for those in pro bands


Like Sin Explode
May 18, 2007
Hey hallo.Me and my band Drunkard have just finished our second album Like sin explode.We are from Greece,we flew all over Poland in Hertz studios(vader,decapitated etc)we payed all the money by our selves,we made the artwork with a famous guy and we mainly try to do our best to get on a label and tour and stuff.But can you plz tell me your thoughts on how we should go after this?For example what you think of the promo?What it should include?Should we send the whole album or some songs?Also what about touring?Should we speak with a booking agency?Does any of you have a list with email from labels or anything that will help?

Thanks Orestis
Send a promo containing 3-4 of (what you think are) your best songs. If a record company etc likes your work, they'll ask to hear some more. Include a photo of the band and a (small) bio.
Also, they like if you "personalize" this package, for instance, instead of "Dear Sir/Madam" make it "Dear Steven" (for example). This was told to me by a promoter after we talked if she'd gotten our promo yet.

Now, these are just suggestions, they might work or not :p
There are two ways of getting signed;

Myspace / internet promotion.


Obviously people are still checking out demos, but largely, these are up on myspace for everyone to hear.
If you really want to send a EPK (electronic press kit) then get a blank CD, write your band name on it, and then burn 3 of your best songs on it.
In order of best - 2nd best - 3rd best.

If they don't like the first song, you don't get another listen.

Attach your bio, either on disk, or in the inlay of the CD box - so they can't get "lost" without the CD going too. No A&R person wants to have to LOOK for your bio, and god forbid they do any work!

Lastly, send it everywhere.

Include gig dates too, I should mention. If an A&R person can see dates, it means you tour - and if you tour, you must have some following. Therefore you = money.

Gigging your arse off is the last stage, which you should do as much of - and don't really turn down any gigs (unless they're really bad, and you genuinely think nothing can come of doing it).

Hopefully that'll work, you'll get picked up along the way, and we'll see you on Roadrunner yet!
Thanks for the quick replies :) .So what you say about myspace,you think that the label care about the views ,friends etc?I mean we did our myspace a year ago and we didnt really care about it a lot.Also you think we should do an official site?I think that nowdays its not as important as the myspace.Also we have a dvd with an awesome perfome of us in high quality.Its an hour long .you think we should cut the best songs of it and send it ???Thanks
With your press pack, as everyone else has said include a CD with a few of your best tracks, making sure the first track doesn't have a long winding intro... (If you haven't got the listener interested within the first minute they will just turn it off - i was told), include a couple small promo photos of the band, a list of upcoming gigs, bio and covering letter.... A nice touch for the letter would be to make a custom letter head with your band's logo at the top. Makes you look very professional.

Hope this helps. :)
[all of this is my advice, based on my experiences.. it's by no means truth!]

Labels aren't 100% sold on the amount of friends, listens and views.. but it does mean that you're promoting yourself (less work for the label) and that you've got an audience (who will pay money for your product) so it does help A LOT when you're putting your stuff around the web - and consistently putting yourselves in a position of attention.

If you think a website is something that would work for you, then yes.
This is YOUR product - so I can't help you sell it, but if you think about it - a central point of your facebook / bebo / myspace pages can be a website.

So, if you have the money and time - set up a good one. Update it, and include pictures of your fans wearing your t-shirts and at gigs.
It shows again that you have fans who pay money for your product. [this can all be applied to the myspace]

If you've got a DVD - cut it up, and put it up on youtube.**

I did similar for a band I've worked with (
Youtube Link;

Note the number of views on some of the videos,.. and that's myspace pimping only.

If you create a multimedia disk (EPK again) then include your BEST song in video form. The one which is a label-winner. The first track on the CD? yeah, that one!

Basically, if they like your apperence / sound / attitude they'll want to see you live.. but if you can show them evidence of you live - then that gives you a boost over other bands. You've given them all the information they need, and you may interest them enough to come and see you play.

Also, i forgot.
A massive, massive, MASSIVE key point.
Put your email (website / myspace) on the CD along with the band name. How the fuck will they contact you.. there could be 100s of bands with the same name. Give them a proper certified myspace / contact and they will have a place to go when they want to phone you up.

** Centuries didn't sell the footage, it was for promo only - therefore we put full songs up for free. If you want to sell the DVD, make a montage or clips only! :)
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a nice live vid, in which there are a lot of people, is always nice.
Do a really nice myspace profile and add as much friends as you can. Nowadays it's more important than website, but it's useful to have some server to host files.
Reviews are a good thing for your press pack, too.

Try and get some good reviews in local mags or papers or whatever, then once you have 2 or 3, approach a bigger mag, give them your CD and your previous reviews. If you get a decent review off them, go bigger, and do the same thing until you're in Metal Hammer or whatever :kickass:

Thing is, I'm not sure how heavy metal politics works in Greece. I dunno... tour with Firewind or somethin :rock: