Some Kamelot/Edguy photos from NYC


And your little dog, too!
Jul 21, 2002
New York City
Shot these the other night. Enjoy! :)




I think he did it around the time he was working on the latest Avantasia album (The Scarecrow). I think he wanted to have a different sound (and look). If you watch the video for Lost In Space, you'll see him with the short haircut.

But I miss his long hair as well. I think in Edguy it gives him more of a metal look :)
Neat photos! :)

How did Khan sound in NYC? He sounded aweful in Chicago. His voice cracked, and would fail on high notes, and all kinds of aweful things that sounded like they were painful. My vocal cords ached in sympathy with his. In short, Khan's performance in Chicago made me a sad panda. :(
Neat photos! :)

How did Khan sound in NYC? He sounded aweful in Chicago. His voice cracked, and would fail on high notes, and all kinds of aweful things that sounded like they were painful. My vocal cords ached in sympathy with his. In short, Khan's performance in Chicago made me a sad panda. :(

You were at the Pearl Room show?
Cool, so was I.

I was right behind the kid who kept bothering Edguy and Kamelot for autographs. His persistance paid off though.
Neat photos! :)

Thanks. :)

How did Khan sound in NYC? He sounded aweful in Chicago. His voice cracked, and would fail on high notes, and all kinds of aweful things that sounded like they were painful. My vocal cords ached in sympathy with his. In short, Khan's performance in Chicago made me a sad panda. :(

Well, he wasn't perfect, but I thought he sounded great. He did sound like he's been racking up the miles, though. Maybe too many shows in a row, maybe he's not feeling 100%, etc. But he sounded fine in NYC.
