KAMELOT-Atlanta Gig Announced!

Unfortunately, I have decided not to go to this.

I just went to Children of Bodom, Carcass, then Helloween, and I got Kataklysm/Eluveitie this Friday and I just found about Municipal Waste is coming October 30th so I'm kind of burned out. Plus I think we're going out of town on the 10th so I wouldn't be able to go anyways.

I'm sure they'll be back.......I'll catch em next time :)
I missed ProgPower this year, sadly, but I am excited to go to Kamelot. I'm also excited to see the local bands, as I have lived here for years but never get around to many shows. Hopefully there will be a good turnout for Kamelot.
Lovely!!!! They're one of my favourite live bands!

Is there actually another way to buy tickets instead of using ticketmaster... something like a local shop? (I don't have a creditcard myself, that's why I'm wondering). And do you think I should hurry up to buy my tickets, or can I wait till august or something like that? And one more question: how much are those tickets actually?

You can buy them directly from the Masquerade during regular business hours. Just walk right in and go to the office beneath the stairs, and tell the person behind the desk what tickets you want. No Ticketmaster charges either since you're buying directly from the venue!

Or since this show has local bands opening you can see if they are willing to meet you in person to sell a ticket.

EDIT: Like in the above post haha.
You can buy them directly from the Masquerade during regular business hours. Just walk right in and go to the office beneath the stairs, and tell the person behind the desk what tickets you want. No Ticketmaster charges either since you're buying directly from the venue!

Or since this show has local bands opening you can see if they are willing to meet you in person to sell a ticket.

EDIT: Like in the above post haha.

.. or by using paypal and having them mailed right to your door for cheaper than the Masq's prices.

along with Kim_K, Wishmaster, The Keeper of the Su/Mrs. Wishmaster, Shaye and oodles of other folks...The Reverend will be there as well (i'm just a bit special and have taken until now to actually tell anyone...)

Sweet, I've got a show to play the night before instead of night-of! So I get to rock out in my 80's cover band one night and then watch an actual metal band doing what I really want to do ... ... hahahaha :p
just a reminder.

Rememeber Halcyon Way and EBS are combining ticket selling efforts so it doesn't matter if you get it directly from us, halcyon way, or the paypal they have set up. Its all going to the same place in the end and supporting both of your favorite local metal bands!

PayPal Link