
Jan 2, 2007
There is current talk about another upcoming drum library's lack of care for the good ole METAL guys. I just wanted to remind you guys that there still are some drum software companies that DO love metal.. as well as rock... classic rock.. pop... vintage rock....

So here are a whole lot of new demos out of Kontakt starting with our 8 metal preset kits. Keep in mind you can customize your own kits with whatever kick/snare/toms you want and tweak your ambience samples to taste... at the end of the demos check out a SNEAP forum EXCLUSIVE weekend rebate sale...

Heavy Metal Beat

Pantera Kit

Cracky Metal Kit

Metallica Kit

Tonedef Kit

Angry Hard Rock Kit

Dry Metal Kit

Metal Dream Kit

Dream Theater Kit

Rock Beat 1

Radio Hit Kit

Greenday Kit

The 70s Classic Kit

Rock Beat 2

Deep Rock Kit

Red Hot Chili Peppers Kit

Rock Beat 3

Chunky Rock Kit

Beefy Dry Kit

Meat and Potatos Kit

Shimmery Rock Kit

Ringy Radio Rock Kit

Rock Beat 4

Perfect Rock Kit

Dry Fatty Kit

Crisp Rock Kit

Deftones Kit "Tonedef"

Vintage Fatty Kit

Dynamic Rock Beat

Deep Rock


Vintage Dry Kit

BFD2 Compatibility, new massive cymbal pack additions, Standalone Version, NRG Recording Studio A Room samples, full Vdrum support coming SOON!

SNEAP FORUM EXCLUSIVE.. this is not gonna be posted in ANY other forums... paypal rebates starting now till Monday June 23rd... Platinum pack rebate $40, LE rebate $20 bucks. Have a great weekend...
WHOA - I'm planning on buying a drum sampler soon, and if by "Standalone" you mean "not having to buy stupid farty-pants Kontakt 3," then I am all over this. What's the expected date for the Standalone version?

someone through some 80s metal guitar over the Metallica kit metal demo... cool.

Thanks for listening guys.... we've got the kit mapping almost done for VDrums... when its done I have a few metal big drummers who are going to go ape shit on the kit and make some drool worthy metal midi files for you all... I'll make sure to try to get maps for the other drum software's so even guys who don't have my hits can still use it with EZ drummer, DFH, etc...
we've got the kit mapping almost done for VDrums...

What exactly would be it? Just maps that change the input midi note (that comes from the module) to a General MIDI output midi note (that goes to the sampler) or are you doing more things? And thanks for the preview MP3s, I was looking foward for them! :)
WHOA - I'm planning on buying a drum sampler soon, and if by "Standalone" you mean "not having to buy stupid farty-pants Kontakt 3," then I am all over this. What's the expected date for the Standalone version?

Any comments on this Mr. Slate?
With the standalone version you will not need stupid farty pants Kontakt. Its due out in August. Hopefully BFD2.1 will be out so it will come out simultaneously with my BFD expansion pack (BFD needs to update to 2.1 for my pack to be released).

HOWEVER... guys. Kontakt is a powerhouse of a sampler. Between all the amazing string, piano, and various synth libraries that are offered for it... you can really have an arsenal of amazing sounds that will surely expand your writing. I got Kontakt at first solely to program my library for it. I'm glad I did because I'm playing more piano, writing cooler songs with all kinds of whacky shit on them... strings... organs... fuck I just did a tune where I added little horn section via kontakt.... Stupid and farty pants it may be... but I couldn't live without it now.
I just want to know why there isn't a Rage Against The Machine kit. I personally would've rather seen that instead of a Chili Peppers. Not that I'm complaining haha these samples kick ass! :headbang:

Well, I mean...I think RATM has a better drum sound, just IMHO, than RHCP...and I just thought it would make more sense, but there's nothing wrong with the kit modeled after RHCP, it does it quite nicely and I actually like it. Just would've been nice to see a RATM kit too, or in it's place, is all.

thanks for the suggestions guys.

There were two snares that sounded VERY close to the RATM snare from two of their albums... I'll have to dig in my notes to find out which ones.. but lets just say with the 37 snares I got on this thing you'll find what you are looking for... KingsX as well.... I've been going through the drums all week because we are setting up for VDrum mapped presets and I forgot just how cool some of these drums are. For instance, Snare11 is a fucking fatty... I remember the drum I sampled for that was 10" deep! Sounds it! Another great one is Snare3 which is in the "Crisp Rock Kit" above... Snare2 in the "Shimmery Rock Kit"... Snare20 in "Deep Rock Kit"... Snare21 "Radio Hit Kit"..

The Chili Kick btw is one of my favorite kicks.. it has a great bouncy smack to it... If you boost 6k by 5db on it, it becomes a KILLER metal kick too... In fact, if you take off some of the room mics on that kit and do that kick boost, you can probably use that as an all purpose metal kit because the snare has a great crack to it.

i don't own kontakt, but i plan on purchasing the platinum pack. Assuming i wanted to use it the moment i got it and the standalone and the BFD compadibility haven't been released yet, Will not having kontakt effect my use of this product in any way.

i'm guessing the Z system (ambience) is some sort of built in reverb vst and is not part of the actual audio file....
maybe i'm wrong...

any other downers of not having kontakt in regards to this sample library