Some new songs! 6505 / Mesa OS

These songs are of my band, I'm in a bit of a rush so the mastering was a really quick job with stock Logic stuff and a couple of others.

Drums are DFHS 2, guitars were a PRS through 6505 through a Mesa oversized cab miced with a 57.

What do you guys think of the production as well as the song writing?

Song 1

Song 5

Song 8

Song 7

Alternative Folder link

Hope you enjoy them!

EDIT: Another song added, Song 7. Also what bands would you say we sound like musically?

EDIT 2: Alternative link added

EDIT: Replaced links with direct mp3's
Hey man,

Cool stuff! I dig the guitar tone. There's nothing in particular lacking. I'd probably have it EQ'd to sit slightly differently, but really it's a solid tone and only personal preference to change anything one way or the other.

I think the bass guitar may be eating into the lows of the drums though. They sound a little thin and it could be because their low-end punch isn't able to cut through. Maybe ease off on the mastering compression and see how it goes. The kick pumps the mix a little, so there's some low-end headroom issues going on there.
Wow, that bass is really in your face. I like it, but like Moonlapse said, you could give a little bit more of the lows to the drums. Can you share any details about the bass sound?

Really digging those songs man:headbang:
Id maybe bring down the lead a a db or two ( on song 5) but other than that i realy dig it man good tone on the rythem guitars.
Cheers guys!

Yeah, I guess I'm used to my bands older stuff which was much faster, so you can't really have as much lows in the kick. I'll try and get them to sit better.

Bass is a Schecter 5 string (EMG's) into gearbox plugin and some EQ and compression :)

One thing I found really useful on these mixes was checking the mix in mono, it can really help sort out stuff.

I'm sure a lot of the pumping is down to the mastering, it was really a quick job (wouldn't even call it mastering haha).
Sounds awesome bro. I dig it a lot. the guitars sound amazing! what is your tuning? It makes me feel better about getting my 5150. (soon i will have):headbang:
The arrangement seems good (hard to tell w/o vocals) the riffs are catchy w/o being cheese. I gotta get me one of these drum programs.
The guitars sound great through that cab. I dunno I had the mesa oversized cab and it sounded muddy as hell with my recto. Maybe i got a dud. Your guitars sound nice and clear.

Man I'm psyched about the 5150 now. I'm gonna run it through my bogner uberkab.
The guitars sound great through that cab. I dunno I had the mesa oversized cab and it sounded muddy as hell with my recto. Maybe i got a dud. Your guitars sound nice and clear.

Man I'm psyched about the 5150 now. I'm gonna run it through my bogner uberkab.

Whenever I have used Recto's I have almost always had a tubescreamer in the chain, and also you can't have the bass passed 10 o clock overwise things get really muddy. That said I love recto's and the sounds they can achieve.
Whenever I have used Recto's I have almost always had a tubescreamer in the chain, and also you can't have the bass passed 10 o clock overwise things get really muddy. That said I love recto's and the sounds they can achieve.

Agreed on the bass above 10 oclock thing and yeah, it sounds like a COMPLETELY different amp with a Tubescreamer. Never heard a Tubescreamer impact a tone as drastically as it does with my Recto. But when you dial it in it sounds fucking great, especially under the mic.
Guitars sound great. As do the drums. The only thing I would say is watch the bleed settings in Superior 2 on the hi hat. The only sound from the hi hat seems to be mono and panned far to the right. I would like to believe any hi hat would bleed way more in the overheads regardless of where the direct hi hat track is panned and would produce a wider sound in the stereo image. Just my opinion.
I think your guitars sound awesome man. I really like your musical style to. Any tips on settings on the amp and plugins used? Im new to this recording thing and have been trying to record my 5150 combo with veteran 30s(werehouse speakers) and a ts9 in the front. Im also using an sm57 but my tracks always sound noisey and pretty thin while yours are amazingly clean and heavy. Maybe its just my mini amp:(