some questions for Anders and Jonas


Jan 14, 2002
Visit site
I guess you have loads of cds at home. How many approximately? (if you have ever counted them or if you keep a list of them).
Do you also listen to classical music?
Have you have returned a cd to the store where you bought it because you didn’t like it?
Do you like/ collect vinyl?
Originally posted by ether
I guess you have loads of cds at home. How many approximately? (if you have ever counted them or if you keep a list of them).
Do you also listen to classical music?
Have you have returned a cd to the store where you bought it because you didn’t like it?
Do you like/ collect vinyl?

private cd collection...
hmm, dunno, maybe around 500 cd's.
getting a lot of freebies tho.

classical music...
not really, the closest i come listening to classical music are the movie soundtracks,
preferably the horror scores.

never directly returned a cd,
but surely turned some in to second hand shops.

i'm totally into vinyl...
my old heavy metal collection is 100% on vinyl and will be listened to only as vinyl and collected only as vinyl all the way.
can't beat the feeling...
Katatonia is one of the few bands I know that actually reply to messages on their message board (I used to get lots of replies from Blind Guardian during my power-metal days, but now they seem to have abandoned their fans too)! It's great! You rock Blakkheim! Keep on rocking and keeping the metal tradition!
I'm happy you answered, thanks Jonas:)
It's a pity you don't appreciate classical music, some classical compositions are really awesome! You should give them a try!
Originally posted by golgotha85
Katatonia is one of the few bands I know that actually reply to messages on their message board (I used to get lots of replies from Blind Guardian during my power-metal days, but now they seem to have abandoned their fans too)! It's great! You rock Blakkheim! Keep on rocking and keeping the metal tradition!

It is quite hard for a band to answer questions on their forum when they are on tour.
Originally posted by Jonas Renkse
I traded it for hollow gold.

um...seeing as in 'fractured' you say you traded your soul for hollow gold would your soul sorta be your vinyl collection or is it just one of those occassions where a little ;) face thingy would have explained the 'punningness' of it? :rolleyes:
or, more simply: when us non english native speakers learn an english expression, we use it everywhere :lol:
Does anyone else find it faintly amusing that Jonas' status is "Junior Member", or is it just me? Oh dear...
Lots of the band members that post on UM neglect to change their title- I always find it amusing (hey, I'm easy to amuse ;)), but I guess they don't give a shit. And hey, I'd rather Jonas spent his time writing music than buggering around with his profile here :D

I did point it out to Steve DiGiorgio when he first arrived on UM, he even changed it, too (this is me grasping at straws, pretending I'm buds with Steve and he listens to me :D ). Although it is true.

