some Solefald News(Or not...)


Apr 11, 2002
Chimera Chiemgau
Hi Guys
just surfed on the web and found some LivePics!!!!! of Solefald.
Very nice, I knew they did a tour together with Haggard and Tristania for TLS in 98 but didnt knew these pictures I found.
They can be found on , go to photos and then choose european tour 1998
and here we are. Very cool and funny pics, wow in 99 I just discovered Neonism and it took me until 2001 to get my hands on TLS.
so I never was aible to see them live, they did a tour and I even knew not they existed.

On the other hand here are some other Solefald related news:
Check out the new project of Cornelius(I hope there will be soon more information), the personel site of Cornelius
Here you can found a lot of links to interviews and writen stuff.
Even his old adress in Paris, but in the news he says hes going to rome for a year from paris to rome? Nice choice

Sorry Lars I just found a site about the TV-Station where you work
But Researcher sounds like a cool Job
And I never knew it that theres an official list of Musicans in Norway

I hope at the end of the week will be avaiable again.
Other question is there someone out there who owns Jernlov
or hearded it years ago?
torquemada, well a young hetfield with no st.anger...
this blacknwhite pic is very old ,from the TLS-sessions
but 2 strange guys, sitting in a dark room an both with a glass in their hands,cool as teenagers could be:-)
Lars what was in the bottle?I think its Red whine from france
(white one isnt very metal-like)
and what is this book near the bottle?
TheRealLazare said:
Recording of the new album starts on the 10th of december. Expect a blacker and meaner Solefald with an Icelandic touch.
hmm...Did the icelandic atmosphere contribute to the album? Or did you smash lava rocks together... or molest an icelandic sheep to produce the distinctive natural sound?
Hi folks as s is still dead here are some news on our favorite dynamic dua besides batman and robin:
according the words of cornelius on his private page there are some good news:

the recording of Solefald V has commenced in Multimono studio in Oslo. There has been rapid progress so far, after some serious initial difficulties outside of our control. Our songs turn out to be harder than "In Harmonia Universali". This time around, we will largely produce the album ourselves, aided by Asgeir Mickelson. Børge Finstad at Top Room will mix the opus in February 2005. The album should be out in May 2005. Shamefully, the Solefald server is down due to maintenance that STILL has not been taken care of. The responsible will hear from us.

a) At last the effort of redesigning the two first Solefald album covers and preparing their re-release has started! As we don't want to take any chances when it comes to the visuals, this process has proven long. May it not be in vain! "Defend the name of nobility itself, the art of intellectual reflection..."

by the way I recomend you to check out
the new sideproject of cornelius
tons of new stuff are there, check it out!!! :Spam:
GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:OMG:

this is mentioned on Solefalds former labelpage Avantgarde:

We are finally moving on, after many plans but little actions...
Cornelius & Lars took the re-issues matter in the hands and we currently have a well known norwegian designer re-doing the whole albums layouts.
We have been discussing about various possibilities, including a doublecd pack, but in the end the albums will be re-released as separate pieces. These will see the light of the day before the next album of Solefald (through Season of Mist) will be out, say sometimes around the middle of April.
As a valuable bonus, the song "Cosmophony" will be included in the "Neonism" album.
The song was recorded back then, but not included in the album."

aint it cool?(I have both originals but cosmophony will let me check out neonism a second time)
BUT: Will the reissues be remastered? TLS has a good production,theres nothing to change IMO
Neonism has so sad it is the weakest solefaldproduction, I hope theres something to improve(please please please:worship:)
question: this "well known norwegian designer re-doing the whole albums layouts"
could it be our well known Asgeir X.?

anyway I tell you as the last news:
Sturmgeist-the sideproject of Cornelius will release their debut on this monday,24.1.05!!!

heres an link for an mp3(hope it works)

I found some reviews of it: (German) (French) (french again)
damn I cant find an english one :sad:

:rock: enjoy! :rock:
oooh cool news... but i wont buy the neonism reissue if its not remastered or something... it would be stupid to buy an album for just the bonus song... but ill buy TLS for sure because it's the only one i don't own