Some sort of 70's hybrid sound (not metal ofc)

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Hey, I have a project at my Uni coming up and I proposed myself into creating a 70's prog rock oriented LP. So I've read alot about the typical 70's processing, and I also listened a lot (actually most of my favourite bands are from the 70's). So proposed to create in terms of production, something between the 70's sound and something more up-to-date.

I have a clip of 8 seconds (notice this is just a pre production, I'm still composing so this was just a test).

What do you think so far? I remind once again, this is just a test. And if someone has any pointers as to what could I do in terms of processing later in the mixing stage It'd be cool ^^.

well, I'm not a wealth of knowledge on 70s prog but my 1st impression is there is something NOT 70s prog about the snare.

Other than that, that clip sounds like you're going in the right direction
I was thinking too much "pop" really .. its way too round sounding

Its also a little loud so maybe that has something to do with it ... pull some of the lows out of it if you can and maybe drop the volume like 2db see what it sounds like