Some tips from Chris Lord-Alge...

sounds like he could be talking about the old Lexicon PCM42 -trick ?

Or simply about his eventide:D

Btw just some idea about how he hit the 4k:

He has the console in MIX mode, using the large faders for balances, with the small faders set
to unity, the small fader OUTPUT button pressed in, the READY GROUP button pressed, and
then every channel is sent to a buss. All his eq's are engaged in the channel path, and his
master fader is down. The inputs to the channels are all set to LINE. At the very end of the
console he has a handful of channels that have the small fader down, and the READY GROUP
button is not pressed - these channels are bussed to the LFRF busses. The TO ROUTING light
underneath the small fader is lit up on all the channels.
Tonight in fort wayne the only things I remember him saying on his master buss was the comp, the focusrite red and the Pultec EQ.

He echoed pretty much the same stuff as what Greg wrote, although in his presentation and the Sweetwater interview and subsequent audience questions, he made it sound like he reaches for the plugins (SSL4000 and the CLA sig series) when mixing where Greg says he said he always goes HW before SW. I didn't speak to him personally during the meet and greet deal afterwards to get clarification, though. I'm sure it was a marketing thing to make it sound like the plugins are actually USED by him rather than modeled after his gear or approach. His sig series set of plugins are intriguing though.
Did they mention anything about the structure of the plugins? Would be nice to know from which waves plugins they have built this series.. there has to be the SSL emulations, CLA comps, H-delay, LoAir, something for the pitch modulations and most interesting.. the verbs.. They sound really nice..

Every CLA plugin/part of the plugin is based upon actual hardware units he owns, period.
i demoed the cla signature (idiot ) plugins, and i actually quite liked some of them
i like the accoustic and the effects.
the bass was pretty cool but i wasnt hugely keen on the drums or guitars. pretty cool though
I posted this is Ermz's master buss thread, but also thought I'd mention it here...

At the Sweetwater clinic with CLA last night, he said he is only getting "a dB or 2" of gain reduction on his master bus comps. He said that if you are trying to get "the glue", then the mix itself needs work...

One of the dudes from Sweetwater did an interview with him prior to the audience questions and referenced that CLA was known for extreme compression. CLA said he does it more as an EQ and tonal thing than dynamic tailoring or reduction. He said he likes the sound of compression.

He also said that at times he will stack comps if need be, but didn't really address "staged compression". I know that was a bit different than what Greg wrote.
Interesting info...

I presume the limiter either adds a bit to the sound and barely gets used??

I noticed when I question Jens Bogren in an email ages ago he says he mixes into the SSL compressor with a 10:1 ratio, I guess this is similar to a limiter, but I don't feel it is, however I only ever used the Plug ins so the hardware might be different.

Also I noticed on his chains he EQ's into the compressors, are these setup compressing before he EQ's I wonder?

Also Master fader down?? On a desk does the SSL bus comp/limiter come before the master fader?
That info was really awesome.

It's so heartening to see how similar my gear chains are to his and to some other mixers doing that sort of sound. I kind of felt it when everything clicked into place and just started to feel right. It's great to get that confirmation, and also to see what's actually happening under the hood of those plugs!
To be fair to CLA he is one of the most forthcoming engineers about his sound, I know that many engineers are busy and thats cool but CLA really does impart a lot of his info to the home engineer and I have found much of his information about his methods invaluable, and the fact that he approaches it in a way to be really careful of presets is really useful.
[UEAK]Clowd;9352289 said:
Chris Lord Alge uses maxxbass?

Yeah that was surprising to me too. Does anyone know if there's any real difference between a plug-in like Maxxbass, and some kind of hardware subharmonic synthesizer? My guess would be "No"...