Somebody keeps rating my threads 1-star.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Which obviously means "this thread is the NUMBER ONE BEST EVER," and since it is always done anonymously, I must assume that they are too bashful to come out and speak with me directly (or less indirectly as it were, being the internet and all) about how much they think I rule.

So here's your chance! Come to this thread and I'll sign my autograph for you, my #1 fan! :tickled:
haha YES, another #1 rating. That didn't take long!

fotmbm said:
I admit it, I did this one. I don't know aaaaaanything about the others though
Well the douche picture has to go toward someone else then. It's kinda weird, I remember when rating a thread around here was like a sacred ritual that took much thought and meditation, because it was reserved for symbolic purposes only.

My guess is it's some non-regular lurker(s) that is/are actually perturbed by *gasp* something funny, in which case I'm really not sure why they are here in the first place. What regular would rate the Movies and Latest Purchases threads as 1-star?!

:lol: @ ProgMetalFan
where is the mad arab when we need him? .. some administrative duties are in order.
i smell COB fanboy revenge.
It's starting to remind me of the last part of the Creepshow movie, where it starts off with 3 roaches and by the end there are 3 million of them and then they ERUPT OUT OF HIS FUCKING NECK RAAAAAAAAAAAAWKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK....!!!!!11111

This thread deserves 5-stars for the excellent Mel Brooks reference. :tickled:
Mmm, Especially Likely Sloth, 24 hours a day for a week straight. Shit I love ELS and that would probably kill me.
Yea it is a striking difference to see all the threads labeled with ratings now. Before they were only rated on the rare occasion of Harmony Dies coming in and simply posting "5 Stars..."
I'd even say that the occasional "1 star" rating was getting funny, just because it had surpassed that level of irritation and landed into comedic territory. But now, this is just stupid. I wish people would stop thinking that this is the Nevermore board.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Yea it is a striking difference to see all the threads labeled with ratings now. Before they were only rated on the rare occasion of Harmony Dies coming in and simply posting "5 Stars..."
"When we were young, and your heart was an open book..." :Spin:
I did the whole page rating thing, but it was not me who harassed OIM. Ye nae ban, I nae hyperrate anymahr. :wave: