Someone who is good with computers...


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
I need some help bad. I just built a Asus p5k deluxe with q6600 processor and 4 gigs of ram. Anyway I'm having trouble with the firewire port. I can not connect to my Protools hardware and Ive been trying all day to get it working. Asus said it was a chipset update or something and then hung up on me, then when i called back they were closed. Guess that dude had a hot date or something, but Ive been in the dark since updating drivers and just having no luck. So please anyone who may be able to help hit me back on here or on aim at brok110 or yahoo messenger at

Ive never had problems building a computer before! :zombie:
Go to the DUC and do a search for a compatible pci firewirecard, and get it. The onboard firewirechips are mostly junk, only good for the occasional external HD..
Yea i bought the board because there onboard firewire because it worked with protools. I bought the board based on what everyone was using on the Duc to build there dual core pc.
Try upgrading the bios instead of just drivers. New bios versions mostly help real hardware problems. Don't forget to undo any overclocking or tweaking when updating the bios.
...that sucks.

Check your mobomanual to see if they haven't changed the FWchip in a new revision or so? Texas Instruments makes the good chips from what I know..

Anyway, I feel your pain. I have an old machine that works so wonderful that I'm afraid to upgrade to that cardboard box full of new hardware that collects dust here in a corner...
Ok well I'm gonna try and update the Bios but I'm already above the original 404 bios people on the Duc had running protools fine. SO I'm not sure if thats the problem but i guess i can go up to the newest version of bios anyway.

It kinda sucks because i have nothing else that runs on firewire to test out but my hardware just worked fine in my other computer so its not bad. Man this honestly makes me never want to build a computer again after this. Ive spent like 10 hours today trying to get this thing up and running. :cry:
Flash your bios & chipset, update your drivers. 99% of PC issues are driver-related.

Man Ive done all this and still nothing. So I'm gonna send the board back to New Egg for a replacement board and hopefully this will solve the problem. Thanks again for some direction on things to check but I'm almost positive i just got a faulty board. Asus could not figure it out either and said to send in for a replacement. I just hate the waiting game.....:heh:
Well I'm just gonna send the board back and if the next one does the same thing then i know its something on my end. But so far i tried everything mentioned here and also everything Asus tech support tried led to the assumption of a bad motherboard.

The computer that i built has been built like 30+ by people on the Duc forums with Dverb test results posted from them. I must say i researched this build for quite some time before i bought the parts. So i really don't think its a software mismatch.......
I was hoping to avoid that recommendation, but it's probably not something that can be avoided in the long run.

Also, have you two talked about Hackintosh stuff?

Get a Firewire PCI card with the TI chipset. This is the only thing that will solve the problem in my experience. Mobo 1394 ports are weak, I have the Asus P5E in my Hackintosh and its ports are only good for drives, they will not work for audio.

Here's a good example of what you need:

Good luck!

Thanks Dude i Just went and ordered one of those. I'm still wondering if i should send the board back and get a replacement because i have no way to test the on board firewire ports besides with my digi002. I guess let me ask did your firewire ports even recognize your recording hardware when you plug it in? Because i get nothing with mine no reaction at all.

I would love to save the hassle of sending stuff back but I also do not want a faulty board and have something going wrong when I'm past my 30 day return policy. Also Shane hit me up on aim I just added you (brok110) because i wanted to speak about the Hackintosh system and had a few questions. Anyhow thanks again for the recommendation on the firewire card! :kickass:
Thanks Dude i Just went and ordered one of those. I'm still wondering if i should send the board back and get a replacement because i have no way to test the on board firewire ports besides with my digi002. I guess let me ask did your firewire ports even recognize your recording hardware when you plug it in? Because i get nothing with mine no reaction at all.

In Mac OS X I was able to get my hardware to show up, but the problem was that the audio would stutter, even just running iTunes. The Firewire PCI card with the TI chipset solved the problem.

You don't have a Firewire external hard drive you can test the ports with? Those are no problem with the onboard firewire, it's only the audio stuff that seems to want to see the TI chipset.

I've added you to my AIM list as well, feel free to message me when I'm online.