something dumb you've done on the piss??

You chose number 3.

Dumb things said to large groups of people whilst by myself.

1.Nice fluro shirts faggots.
2.Your car sucks
3.So does your friends
4.Hey buddy,root her,i did.

all 4 of my favorites then involve either a response of laughter or an angry mob chasing after me.people take sticking up for their mates to seriously,you don't need like 10 people to beat me up,i'm only a widdle tacker.
Originally posted by Koichi
You chose number 3.

Dumb things said to large groups of people whilst by myself.

1.Nice fluro shirts faggots.
2.Your car sucks
3.So does your friends
4.Hey buddy,root her,i did.

all 4 of my favorites then involve either a response of laughter or an angry mob chasing after me.people take sticking up for their mates to seriously,you don't need like 10 people to beat me up,i'm only a widdle tacker.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I love number 4 :D
Ok lets see

1. Taken a slash on my best mates couch coz i couldnt be fucked unlocking the back door to get to his dunny.
2. After about a bottle of Courgar (Stupid! Fucking Stupid!!) telling the cops my name was Phil Anselmo and upon asking me for my birthdate i replied with "The 8th" and i couldn't remember anymore, then munting alover myself in bed later that night.....
3. Running around a mates house with a blanket as a cape screaming I'm Macbeth (We were studying it at school at the time ok!!)
4. Getting dragged out of my year 11 formal afterparty by 2 security guards for running around screaming out soccer chants or something of the sort

There are probably others can't remember though...
Originally posted by The Trooper
Hahahaha nah there is nothing wrong with it, except I spose that she is pretty much a kid (very immature too), which is kinda different to a woman picking up say, a 19 year old guy ;) Haha.

But I'm just lucky he did that so I could contact him and get my beloved shirt back!

That seems to be my favourite age at the moment 19-20yr old men.hmmmm lovely.
OK. Here's mine.

Dumb things I've done on the piss:

1. Drove my car.

2. Staggered out of a gig so pissed I could hardly see, finding my car, getting into the driver's seat and putting the keys in the glovebox and my wallet in the console, then winding down the window (for air) and passing out. Woke up a few hours later, couldn't find my keys or wallet... This happened in Regent St, Chippendale.
One we got a coathanger and were trying to dack a guy who had passed out as he lay there. But as an automatic reaction his hand kept pulling his pants back up hahaha it was so funny.

So we got a permanent marker and wote "Cock" all over his face. Then was about to leave in the morning without even realising too until some IDIOT (GRRRR) told him to look in the mirror. Luckily he couldnt get much of it off anyway :heh:
Hahaha we didn't even know the guy.

He just rocked up and passed out and we were like "Who the hell are you?" *Gets out texta and coathanger* Hahaha!
Hahahaha... no that's not it.

You see this guy was asleep on the couch and his crack was showing out his pants lol. And one of my mates got a wooden spoon, covered it in melted chocolate, then put it all over his arse and woke him up so he thought he shitted himself.

Then this other guy was asleep, and the wooden spoon bandit poured chocolate all over the guy's mouth, then pulled his own pants down and squatted over his face and woke him up, so the poor guy woke up with Lloyd's arse in his face and brown stuff all over his mouth hahahahaha. Thought Lloyd crapped on his face.

Sick sick boy that Lloyd is. He was also the texta bandit in the previous story. Quite a prankster I must say.