something dumb you've done on the piss??

Hi all. Been a while since I posted but this thread is too interesting to resist. My funniest was probably my cousin and I wrestling around and him ending up on the wrong side of a shop window. It was funny until we got caught and ended up paying $1125 to replace the window and get the sign repainted. Hmmm, what else. Shaved my head a few times, stole a few dodgey things such as garden hoses and TV antennas. Oh yeah, when I got arrested for arguing with a bouncer (something about offensive language in a public place) I tried to climb out of the back of the dibby van to appologise. Nothing else really.
At my friends 18th b'day party quite a few years ago now I somehow managed managed to drink a whole 900ml bottle of vodka in about 3 hours and managed to stay conscious long enough for the following to happen.

I'd just finished off the bottle and needless to say I wasn't feeling too flash. So I thought I'd go sit on the toilet for a little while. The main toilet in this guys house was in use so I went and used in his parents ensuite bathroom which is accessible from the main hallway. Anyway, I'm sitting with my head in my hands feeling a little ill at about 1am when my friends mum came in from the bedroom. She looked at me, with my pants around my ankles, and casually walked out again. I was so out of it I just lifted my head, looked at her and watched her walk out... I didn't really care or was embarrassed or anything.

Anyway, after that I got up, went outside, throw up a a couple of times and passed out for about 6 hours. :)
She wants you Coops! She knew you were talking about her and finally decided to meet you! Thats the only explanation I can come up with anyway :D :)
:lol: i remember not long back gettin pissed at a mates 21st B'day party and the dunny was always occupied, so gettin sick of the whining from people who couldn't/wouldn't piss behind that tree over there *pointing over there* we walked about a Km from the party found a construction site and fo ur of us carried the portable dunny back to the party YAY!! for us :lol: oh and on the party bit is it gonna tour the country i'd love to have a beer with you lot :grin:
Originally posted by Southy
so whats something dumb you've done on the piss??
You have to get to know me, or I need to know who you are, before I disclose ANY of that information. :)

Not necessarily just on the piss, either. ;)