wow what a varied thread lol....
ok new candlemass...well, it's better than the post talse of creation stuff, but honestly, it just sounds a bit weaker...and the lyrics are a bit silly
....the black dwarffff!!!!! lol
It's cool Dan, no worries. Actually most of us in ND are in the mid-30s range, and Vito is the young'n at 23. I know alot of times we come across very defensive about these sorts of subjects, being compared to other bands and stuff like that, and I apologise. It's just frustrating for us because we started out in the scene at the same times as these bands like Paradise Lost, MDB, etc., and while we have never acheived their levels of success and whatnot, we all started with the same kinds of influences and some similar musical goals in mind. But because people didn't become familiar with our music and everything until much later, alot of people presume that we've just been copying these bands styles. I can remember trading demos with these bands waaaay back in the late 80s/early 90s, and talking about our common admiration for bands like Trouble, Candlemass, Sabbath, Celtic Frost, etc. Even though we all now have our distinct styles from one another, I think there's inevitably certain things that we all have in common as well. And I think thats pretty cool. Some people just don't want to believe or understand that just because we're not from England and just because we didnt sign with Peaceville, it doesn't mean we're some come-lately copycats. But again, I didn't take what people have said on this thread as a put down at all. The guy who started this thread was commending us for what he thought was an homage to PL and there's nothing wrong with that at all. It's just that the solo is in fact an homage to Iommi, hehehe!
I too love Andy LaRocque! I've been quite fortunate to meet and spend a little bit of time with him over the years as my roommate has been a backline tech for King Diamond since the "Voodoo" tour, and I can say that not only is Andy a master guitarist but he's very nice as well. The current KD twin guitar tandem of Andy LaRocque and Mike Wead is just MONSTROUS! If you haven't gone to see King Diamond in concert lately, you're really missing out.
I also greatly admire James Murphy too, which I guess is somewhat obvious since we chose to work with him on the recent album! Between his masterful playing, the legendary acts he's been involved with, and the way he's soldiered on in light of his health struggles, he's quite someone to admire I'd say.
Anyhow, yeah Dan you're only a few years younger than I am so I'm sure we grew up worshipping the same guitarists, apparently!
ok...i have to say i hate man you met my guitar idol...grrrr!!! lol
man that would be a dream come true. he is the man. i bow to him \m/
yeah so pretty much same guitarists growing up. hell yaeh man!
i have seen king diamond on the voodoo,hog,puppet master, and just last week...and i have seen mf about 5 times. king d. has the best live shows ever
now i just went crazy thinking about home i'll make a thread for it, rather than make this thread more confusing than it already