Something I've noticed about Opeth...


Opeth fanboy
Feb 5, 2002
In between the greatness of most of their songs, some songs just have really BAD parts. I mean, they just sound crappy. A good example would be in Nectar, when Mikael says "Leave me speachless, Release my yearning..." through "...And from that moment, I witnessed your beauty, felt your death." The riff is just horrible and that's just a bad part of the song. It's amazing how they can go from such amazing portions as the verse previous to what I mentioned to that crap. Oh well. No one can be perfect, right?
Originally posted by Schraiber
In between the greatness of most of their songs, some songs just have really BAD parts. I mean, they just sound crappy. A good example would be in Nectar, when Mikael says "Leave me speachless, Release my yearning..." through "...And from that moment, I witnessed your beauty, felt your death." The riff is just horrible and that's just a bad part of the song. It's amazing how they can go from such amazing portions as the verse previous to what I mentioned to that crap. Oh well. No one can be perfect, right?

I disagree with that, the ONLY riff that left a bad taste in my mouth, I feel was in "The Apostle In Triumph". It's that part at exactly 7:25 Through 8:20. Almost a minute of that crappy riff ...:yuk:. I think that it is pretty amazing that I only found one riff to displease me though ...
Oddly enough. That part in Nectar never bothered me, and that part in Apostle is one of my favorites in the song. I can't think of anything that I'd call BAD or makes me cringe. Well, maybe that "THROUGH THE VAST ENCHANTED FOREST, RAAARRHHGH" line, but it's funny and endearing instead.
I like the beginning of BRI.

Can't think of any particular part I dislike. I'm sure there are some, but they just don't pop to my mind right now.
I don't hear any bad parts. I listen to Opeth because of the extreme range of emotions the music influences.
The metal parts of "Drige for November" and "The Drapery Falls" are rather boaring, but not bad. The other thing I don't like is the riff that starts at 3:24 of "Forest of October", even though the rest of the song is great.
For me the one song part that always stuck out was at 5:50 to 6:10 of "The Drapery Falls". I love the song but that one little transitional part always makes me cringe... reminds me of nails on a chalkboard or something.
There are some progressions off the BWP album that i find is a little bit too repetative, other than that, it's all basically fine to me.
Well, i think that the snare is tuned quite high on Still life and BWP, but i figure it fits with the rest of the mix :)
Originally posted by Schraiber
In between the greatness of most of their songs, some songs just have really BAD parts. I mean, they just sound crappy. A good example would be in Nectar, when Mikael says "Leave me speachless, Release my yearning..." through "...And from that moment, I witnessed your beauty, felt your death." The riff is just horrible and that's just a bad part of the song. It's amazing how they can go from such amazing portions as the verse previous to what I mentioned to that crap. Oh well. No one can be perfect, right?

I'm sorry, but the leave me speechless part literally does leave me speechless. It's one of the band's emotional high points and another example of the power of simplicity. It's a breathtaking melody they got there...

Gotcha ;)